Chapter 11

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The next morning, Camila woke up with a text from Lauren and the worst hangover of her life. The bright light coming through the curtains hurt her eyes, as she slipped her glasses on, bringing everything into focus. She quickly swallowed the two pills on her nightstand, chasing them down with the glass of water next to them. She picked up her phone, reading the text.

I'm on my way over with breakfast, I'll be there in 15 x

Camila checked the time, it was almost eleven o'clock. Lauren would be here any minute. Rolling out of bed, Camila dragged herself upright, her head pounding from the movement. Her stomach lurched, and she ran to the bathroom, throwing up all the alcohol from the night before. A loud knock on the door sent a shooting pain through Camila's head. Now she remembered why she rarely got drunk. Hangovers were the worst.

She opened the door for Lauren, who was smiling widely. Camila was envious of how well put together she looked that morning, her hair pulled back in a ponytail, dressed casually for in terms of what Lauren thought was casual. Clearly she didn't have a hangover.

"Good morning," Lauren chirped, walking in with coffee and a paper bag. "Darling, you look awful," Lauren commented, taking in Camila's disheveled appearance as she opted for a kiss on the cheek.

'I feel awful' Camila signed, wincing at the sound of the door slamming as she shut it behind Lauren.

"I'm not surprised," Lauren laughed, setting the food down and making herself comfortable.

'Oh God, what did I do? I can't remember anything' Camila signed, burying her face in her hands.

"Well at one point I ordered a round of some shots called Snake Juice for everyone, and you drank them all," Lauren said, her tone half surprise and half awe, "I didn't even have time to stop you, you just downed all of them."

Camila threw her head back, groaning internally. That would explain the terrible hangover.

'What else? I feel like I've been hit by a truck'

Lauren shrugged casually, taking a sip of her coffee. "Nothing else really. We drank, you forced me to dance, and I practically had to carry you home," she laughed.

"Now, as much as I love the view, did you want to put some pants on before breakfast?" Lauren asked, smirking at Camila. Feeling her face turn red as Camila realized she was half dressed, Camila nodded, holding up one finger before she darted into her room.

After a quick shower, where Camila was sick twice more, she dressed and went back out to the kitchen. She took a seat opposite Lauren and reached for the other takeaway container.

'I could kiss you right now' Camila signed as she took a sip of her coffee and dug into the waffles Lauren had brought. Lauren shook her head, smiling over the top of her own coffee.

Clearing her throat, Lauren smiled at Camila. "So I decided to take the whole day off. I thought we could spend the day together, help you fix your hangover," she said, raising one of her eyebrows.

Camila smiled. Lauren overworked herself, rarely taking days off from the office. She loved it when they spent time together without Lauren having to run off to sort out some business at LJ-Corp.

'Sounds perfect, what do you want to do'

Lauren rested her chin in her hand, deep in thought. Her eyes lit up as she turned to face Camila. "How about nothing?" she smiled. Camila frowned, not quite understanding where Lauren was going with this.


"Yes, nothing. Let's just stay here, you don't look like you're in the mood to go out. We can watch your favorite films from when you were kid, and we can get takeaway later," Lauren said, tilting her head as she smiled at Camila.

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