Chapter 25

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Camila recovered in leaps and bounds. Each week she grew stronger and more confident about her ability to walk. The transformation was amazing to see, and Lauren had to choke back tears every time Camila took another step, slowly growing stronger and more surefooted after months of sat in a wheelchair.

Lauren and Sofi alternated taking Camila to her physiotherapy sessions, both of them watching Camila walk, first grasping onto the railings and then without them, with proud looks on their faces. It was a long time coming, but she slowly got her footing. There were days where she had a few mishaps and trip over her own feet, laughing as she crashed onto the floor. Then she'd get back up, determined to stay upright. Slowly but surely, she learned to walk again.

Winter came again. The freezing cold and howling winds weren't enough to dampen Camila's high spirits, especially with Christmas just around the corner. Especially on this particular Thursday morning when she got out of her wheelchair for the last time, a huge smile on her face as she put it away.

"I can't believe it, I'm free!" Camila laughed, pulling Lauren towards her as her face crinkled. Lauren laughed with her, letting Camila squeeze her in a tight hug. She pulled back slightly, kissing her quickly before her expression turned serious.

"I actually want to talk to you about something, now that you're officially up on your feet," Lauren told her, a nervous look on her face as they sat down for breakfast.

Camila gave her a puzzled look, "what's wrong? You look worried."

Lauren bit her lip, reaching into the pocket of her pajamas as she took a sip of her coffee. Her hand came out, clenched around something small.

"I- I know I told you to stay here because I had an elevator and I could look after you more easily, and now that you don't need the elevator anymore you can go back to your own apartment," Lauren babbled, "but you don't have to, I mean, you could ju- you can move in? But only if you want to." She held her hand out towards Camila, slowly opening her fingers to show her the little silver key nestled in the centre of her palm.

Lauren looked at Camila with wide eyes and a little crease between her eyebrows, worried that Camila would want more space now. For Lauren, it was the opposite, she didn't want to go back to Camila having a drawer here and alternating between staying at each other's apartments.

Camila smiled widely, letting out a choked up laugh, and Lauren realised her eyes were full of tears. She stretched her hand forward, picking up the key. For the past few months she'd been taking the spare key whenever she'd gone out with someone other than Lauren, putting it back as soon as she got home. Now, she had her own.

"I love you," Camila whispered, half rising from her seat to lean forward and kiss Lauren, tasting the bitter coffee on her lips.

"I guess I need to start packing," Camila smiled, taking a bite out of her toast. Lauren's face split into a wide smile, filled with relief and love.

- --

One half of Lauren's closet was cleared, making room for Camila's clothes. Lauren bought some bookshelves for her office, and soon the walls were lined with hundreds of Camila's books. At night, after they had both finished work, Lauren would sit behind her desk, finishing off some paperwork, and Camila would pull a book off the shelves and curl up in the armchair, reading until she managed to coax Lauren away from her computer and into bed.

They would curl up next to each other, staring up at the ceiling, skin to skin as their breathing and heart rate slowed. Lauren would wake up first in the mornings, getting Camila up with a coffee and promises of a shower together if she got up right now.

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