Chapter 2: A Beacon of Hope

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August 6 2004 1:30 pm,

In the next few days, Jaune and Joe have been working alot in the shop due to the optomism of fans and the season is about to start. The continent was in festive mode since multiple posters are posted, alot of fans are having a party, and football related businesess are busy such as pubs and football shops. While the 2 are on break since there are no customers at the moment, someone enter the door step that shocked Jaune abit....

Jaune: Finally a break for now, It's the early afternoon and we already sold alot.

Joe: Yeah but this is indeed business, and business makes lives, like mate we already have ton's of cash in the register and if we can keep this up, eventually we can upgrade the shop and more!

Jaune: Yeah I can agree, so about the fixture list?

Joe: Oh yes yes hahaha, my friend will come here later.

Jaune: Oh nice nice hahaha.

Joe: Like any moment now, he will arrive through the doors.

Jaune: Sure, well I'm going to get some drinks in the back, you want some?

Joe: Sure haha.

As Jaune proceeds to the back, Joe's friend appears...

Joe: Oh Qrow you're here hahaha.

Joe gets closer to greet his friend with a hug...

Qrow: Hey there mate! So how's ya bussiness?

Joe: It's been rowdy hahaha, but sales are high as always especially in the past few days hahaha.

Qrow: Oh great and here is the fixture list ya been asking for.

Joe proceeds to get the list...

Joe: Oh thanks hahaha, Hey Jaune! Here is ya list.

Jaune returned and he saw Qrow he was like a person on the north pole, he frozed a abit seeing Ruby's uncle...

Jaune: Qrow?

Qrow: Yellow head?

Joe: Wait you 2 know each other? Haha.

Qrow: Yeah this is the kid who is always hanging out with my niece! HAHAHA

Qrow proceeds too give Jaune a short hug and he reciprocated it...

Jaune: Oh hello...sorry it's been so long haha.

Qrow: Just call me Qrow, you're good kid don't worry.

Jaune: Oh ok Qrow hahaha.

Qrow: Anyway? Let me guess ya the one asking for the list?

Jaune: Yep.

Qrow: Not shocked, and I assume you want to see my niece again?

Joe: Yep, he was emotional few days ago from the moment he saw your niece in the T.V.

Qrow: I can't blame him, they haven't been meet each other for a long time.

Jaune: Yeah...I miss Ruby alot.

Qrow: Aye don't worry kid, you 2 will meet eventually, she misses you alot too.

Jaune was abit happy in the inside, knowing that she hasn't forgotten him...

Jaune: Oh I see...

Qrow: Look as much I would like to chitchat more, I have too go HAHAHA. And oh one more thing, since I'm on day off tomorrow, would like to join me and the Yellow Army in the corteo tomorrow? I'll be the capo for the season.

Joe: Depends, what time??

Qrow: 5:30 pm, I'll call you mate don't worry.

Joe: Oh sure, besides Jaune wouldn't like to miss this.

Jaune: Sure this might be fun.

Qrow: Great! Now I gotta go, Stay out of trouble!

The duo bid farewell to Qrow and the 2 had a chat...

Joe: Sooo let us see....WOAH QROW YA SON OF A GUN!

Jaune: What is it?

Joe was astonished seeing 2 season tickets, one for him and one for Jaune...

Jaune: generous of him.

Joe: Never expected this, Oh cool matchday 9 is when we gonna face Stars FC, at home, on October 2 and play time is at 8:30pm.

Jaune: Huh still long...

Jaune was abit dissapointed but at the same optomistic...

Joe: Aye come on kid be abit jolly, ya heard Qrow, ya best mate misses ya alot too!

Jaune: Yeah I agree and plus It's at home, It would be a fitting setting haha.

Joe: That's the spirit! Well come on, let's go back to work.

Jaune: Yes sir!

And the 2 proceeded to work once again as customers are back....


9:35 pm.

After a long day at work, the 2 went to their respective homes, since they had a very long day at the shop. And Jaune was just eating some chicken and rice while thinking somethings...

Jaune's mind: Wow...I thought Qrow would be mad seeing me since I was accused of a crime back at beacon, boy I was so wrong...And glad to know that my Best Friend haven't forgotten me...Ruby I can't wait the day that we will meet again and let alone here in Vale, Maybe we can go hangout or perhaps do a date?? GAH! stupid me...but I gotta be patient for now...

After eating he proceeds to prepare himself too bed and eventually fall asleep...happily after a long time.

A/N: New chapter in the House!!! HAHAHAHA yeeeeh it's a simple one truth be told and I'm living it and when I mean by that I having fun writing this fanfic so far, mainly since this is a football fanfic i guess hehe so yeah another team will be introduced tomorrow and I hope you enjoy this chapter! HAVE A GOOD DAY YA'LL

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