The crowning|Act two🥀

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The sunlight shined through the window of Miranda's room, the brunette's hair peeking through under the cover.

"It's time to get up now, Your Majesty." Shaking the girl lightly as a groan could be heard as Miranda tried to remain asleep, not feeling like getting up.

"The chef is making crêpes for breakfast, your favorite." She said, hoping that would catch the young girl's attention. Miranda sat up, rubbing the sleep out her eyes then stretched.

"Fine, I'll get up then. Could you please ring for the other ladies in waiting? I wish to be dressed for a casual stroll." She asked, getting out of the bed as she watched Eleanor fix the bed quickly before walking off to get the young ladies.

As she waited for Eleanor and the rest to come, she picked up the seashell that was laying on her bedside. She wondered if she should wear one in her head for the coronation, it would be good to have something that is important to the nation.

Hearing the door open, she put down the seashell, watching as all the ladies curtsy before greeting her.

"We are happy to serve you this morning, Your Imperial Highness." All the ladies said in union before guiding her to the royal bath, putting roses in the water.

"Your Majesty is so beautiful." Luna, one of the lady said, washing Miranda's hair as the rest washed her.

"Thank you, you're too kind." Miranda replied before it was time to get out of the bath, quickly drying off and putting a robe on. She sat in front of the vanity as her hair was brushed before it was put in a bun with a few strands of hair framing her face.

"Your Highness, would a white dress be fine.?" Melody asked before pulling out the dress she was referring to, lace covered the top half with a poofy skirt part that wasn't too long.

"That is fine, great choice." As Miranda was being dressed, she put on her silk white gloves and let Luna put pink lipstick and blush on her. Putting on a pair of white heels, she gave a little twirl. She liked this look, she would have to wear this again in the future.

Walking out the room to go to the dining hall, she soon smelled the crêpes that the chef was making as she took a seat, a plate of two was soon sat in front of her as she ate them, she didn't realize that she was hungry until now.

Seeing how she was done, she got while dabbing her face with a napkin as she thanked the cooks before heading out to the garden that led to the shore.

Walking through the garden, taking a look around the flowers and crops that grew as she made the way to her table that sat in the greenhouse. Mirana checked on the fish that sat in the pond. Smiling at the calm scene, she took a deep breath. All the worries and work out of mind for the moment before she heard a loud chirp, a golden feathered bird coming in before sitting on the table. Startled, she took a step back before noticing a letter on the bird's leg.

"Oh, you're here to deliver a message. Aren't you a smart bird finding me here." Patting the bird's head making it stand still in shock before she took the letter, opening it to see the contents of it.

"I give my congratulations to you, and I can't wait to see your lovely face for it is engraved in my mind." As she finished the letter, she couldn't help but give a small laugh which caused the bird to tilt its head.

"Your master is a charmer, I see. Should I write a letter back?" She asked the bird as it started to nod while flapping its wings.

"You're very smart, your owner must be very lucky." She pulled out her notebook that she kept in the table's drawer before deciding what to write.

"You are so charming, I too can't wait till I can see you. Your bird is also beautiful." She wrote down as she let the bird see it as it blushed.

"Coo!" It chirped at Miranda, embarrassed by the content of the letter.

"You can read? Are you embarrassed that I called you beautiful or that I decided to flirt with your owner?" She teased the bird before kissing its forehead. Tying the letter to the bird's leg, she watched it flied away before she headed to the empress's bathhouse. Ringing the bell to call her seamstress and ladies of waiting , she waited.

"Good evening, Your Imperial Highness." They curtsy to the young woman before dressing the empress in the blue dress that was made and heels that matched.

"You look just like your mother, Miranda." Eleanor whispered in her ear, looking at the young woman that she helped raised before taking her hair out the bun, brushing it out as she put a white seashell pin on her hair to keep it out her face.

Luna quickly redid her makeup as she brushed out her dress, adding a few smaller shells on the dress. Looking in the mirror to see her reflection, Miranda decided to put on a pearl necklace to finish the look.

Alexander walked in the room, giving a quick bow before smiling at Miranda, giving her his arm to hold before he walked her to the entrance of the ballroom.

"You look nice, Miranda. Are you ready? You know what to say, right?" He asked, becoming ready to walk her down as he heard the music begin to play.

"Of course I know what to say, Alexander. You worry too much." Patting her dress down, tightening her hold on his arm as the door opened as she came to view with everyone watching. Walking down the stairs, she held her head up high as she heard people quietly talk among themselves.

Seeing Navier and Sovieshu, she gave a small smile before finishing the walk with Alexander to the priestess. As Alexander walked to the side, leaving only Miranda and the priestess, the talking stopped.

"Do you, Miranda Nora Rose promise to care for the nation, its people, and do what it is best for them." The priestess asked before rubbing holy oil on Miranda's forehead.

"I, Miranda Nora Rose promise to do what it is best for this nation and people till the day I die." Accepting the orb and scepter as her father's cape was put on her by Alexander as she turned towards the audience.

"Today I am officially the ruler of the Northern's empire, I am the law and so are my words. I will do what is best for all of you, I expect all of you to also help with me that. I am the empress, Miranda Nora Rose. This day a new era will begin." She finished her speech as she took a seat at the throne as she looked around the room, eyeing everyone to see who the future troublemakers would be. Suddenly seeing Navier and Sovieshu walked over, she smiled. She was happy to see them, they were some of the people that she grew up with.

"Congratulations, Miranda." Navier said, giving her a smile. She was proud of Miranda, she knew she would rule well. She was always reading the books that the teachers brought and even correcting them sometimes.

"You're an empress now. I remember when you and Navier were just short princesses. " Sovieshu said, kissing her hand softly. Remembering when Miranda needed help getting supplies and how Navier always whined about being short. He did miss the brunette, he'll remember to make time for her.

"Thank you, I'm happy you two are here. I take it everything is okay? I hope your journey here was okay, I know it's a long trip so you guys can stay longer if needed." Hoping that they would take the invitation to stay just a few days longer, she missed the two and probably wouldn't have time to visit the two.

"I don't think we can, Miranda. We still have work to do, you're always welcome to visit though." Navier sadly said, it was bad enough that she missed an entire day of work. She needed to catch up.

[Also, who do you guys want as a love interest or love interests.]

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