The slave|Miss Rastha🥀

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A runaway slave is what Rastha was from the documents that sat in front of Miranda and rumors that were whispered around the capital. It made sense, she did feel bad for the woman that was around her age but she also had to be careful with her. She hated the slavery that the other empires upheld.

"Eleanor, please tell the emperor that I wish to have an audience with him." Miranda asked, rereading the documents as she clicked her tongue in annoyance. Eleanor quickly walked out the room to inform Sovieshu.

Thinking over the options, she decided to also visit Rastha later on after the meeting to understand her more better.

'Yes, I can also help Rastha. It isn't her fault if she does become a concubine even if it does upset Navier for obvious reasons. Only one to blame is Sovieshu.' Miranda thought bitterly, frowning at the thought of Sovieshu doing this when he as a child was disappointed in his father who did the same. History may repeat itself.

"His Majesty accepted the request of an audience." A servant entered, giving a bow to the young lady before leading Miranda to the study as the sound of her heels can be heard throughout the halls. Reaching their destination, the door was pushed open allowing the view of Sovieshu working before lifting his face up.

"Your Highness." Miranda said with a smile on her face before giving a small curtsy as the servant quickly hurried out the room, closing the door on the way out.

"Miranda, is everything okay? I hope your stay is treating you well?" Sovieshu pestered her as he looked at her appearance, a simple baby blue gown, white sandals and a flower crown but the confidence of a noble lady. It was one of the things he liked about her that stayed the same throughout the years. Taking a seat, Miranda quickly tried to find the best way to ask her question.

"Sovieshu, is Rastha a runaway slave?" She asked gently, a few seconds passed before his face hardened and anger in his eyes.

"Did Navier tell you that?" He pressed, was she really that jealous to tell Miranda that? Was that her plan to use Miranda, their friend to make him feel guilty for helping Rastha.

"No, I looked into it. You never questioned Navier like this before, you're really changing." Quickly defending Navier from the allegations, his behavior was acting like a man who was in love. It sickened her and made her worry about the future of this empire and Navier.

Shocked by what Miranda said and the headache that was forming, he rubbed his head softly. He didn't mean to lash out like that, Rastha just needed support.

"She is, but this stays between me and you. I trust you very much, Miranda. Please promise that you will not utter this to anyone." Sovieshu begged, holding one of Miranda's hand. The psychical touch making him more calmed as he took a deep breath.

"I won't, but please keep her away from Navier. An empress and mistress should not be meeting." Hoping that he would keep Rastha away from Navier's spaces such as her garden and room from now on. She heard about the incident the first time they met which made her angry about how he went about the punishment.

"I will, but Rastha is a very curious peron. She just gets excited at time like you did. Remember when you got stuck in the tree?" He asked before laughing, remembering how the younger version of Miranda would try to climb trees and do other things that caught her attention.

"You and Kosair would always need to come get me while Navier just watched." She smiled at the memory, she missed those times where the four of them would just play and hide from the tutors.

Things would be different now, she can already see the changes and the distance that was beginning to form with Sovieshu and Navier recently.

"I have one request, Sovieshu." Miranda asked in a serious tone before leaning towards him as he listened to her while admiring the way she looked.

"Please keep Navier in the empress's seat, no matter how much you love Miss Rastha. She worked too hard to just be thrown out." After that was said, silence filled the room. He isn't in love with Rastha, he was just giving her kindness.

'If I was in love with anyone, it would be you.' He thought, looking at the woman before him. At times, he did wish that he was betrothed to Miranda instead. The two clicked in his mind but Navier was also a close friend of his which made the marriage work.

"I promise, Miranda." He answered softly, he would never divorce Navier anyways. She was one of the greatest empresses to rule the Eastern's empire but he did wish that she was more affectionate at times.

Grinning at the answer, Miranda hugged Sovieshu as a way to say thank you before heading out before she remembered.

"I also wish to have a small tea party with Rastha today. So, please tell her to get ready and meet me in 10 minutes." Leaving at that note, she headed towards her section of the garden as her ladies in waiting and Alexander had food and wine be prepared. Sitting down, she made note to ask Rastha questions that only a noble lady would know.

A few minutes later, the woman with silver head came along as she happily sat down in front of Miranda.

"Thank you for inviting me!" Rastha said, clapping her hands a little in excitement. Sister? Did she already consider me a friend. Alexander and the ladies also sat down as they quietly watched their empress.

"Yes, I wanted to know you better. You can call me Mir, but only when it's just me and you. Okay?" Miranda happily said as she had Alexander pour wine in her and Rastha's cup.

'Her Highness is so nice to me' Rastha thought before eyeing the woman who looked a few years older than her. She was much nicer than sister.

"Yes, Mir!" She answered back before taking a sip of the wine and a slice of the chocolate cake. She was happy to have a friend besides Sovieshu in the palace who had a high status.

"Miss Rastha, where are you from?" Alexander questioned, wondering what she would say before Rastha quieted down as she bit her lip as she struggled to find an answer.

"The Eastern empire?" Her answer coming out more like a question as her hands fidgeted because of nerves while tears started to well up in her eyes. She felt embarrassed now.

"Everyone please leave expect Rastha and Melody." Miranda spoke up before sipping on her glass of wine. Rastha was like a puppy, you cannot push her too hard. Alexander glanced at Miranda before understanding what she was doing before he and the rest of the ladies left the garden.

"It's okay, Miss Rastha." Melody whispered in a gentle tone, trying to stop that tears before Miranda went over there and stroking Rastha's head.

"Sh, it's okay. No need to cry, he meant no harm." Rastha blushed at the affection that was being shown to her as she wiped her face. She was happy that Miranda wasn't like the rest of the nobles, they bullied and stunned her.

'Rastha, you truly know how to play people's heartstrings.' Miranda thought as she continued stroking the silver headed woman before she remembered what she truly wanted to say.

"Rastha, you must stay in your place and stay away from the empress. Do you understand? People who are greedy will get terrible results of their deeds." She said, lightly shaking the girl as Rastha's eyes widen in surprised.

'Rastha would never be greedy.." Rastha thought as she pouted at the thought, she just wanted Sovieshu's love and Navier's affection before she hesitantly nodded.

(A little Rastha's love/friendship now, how are we feeling about it?)

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