The crowning|Act three🥀

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Sitting on her throne as she watched the couple walk away, Miranda sighed as she straightened her dress out. Looking at the people who danced and chatted in the ballroom before meeting eye contact with the prince of the Eastern's kingdom.

"His eyes look just like that bird that came ealier today." She muttered to herself, could he the owner of the bird? It would make sense for the prince to try to be more closer to her for trade and future favors. Deciding to maybe ask, she waved him to over.

Heinley looked like a dog who just got a treat once he seen Miranda noticed him. Quickly making his way to the throne, he politely pushed his way through the crowd of people.

"Empress, congrats. You look beautiful. The people are lucky to be able to glance at your beauty. " Heinley said before planting a kiss on her hand, lingering a while before getting up. Miranda smiled, glancing at the prince who was around her age. He looked just like that bird.

"Prince Heinley, do you like birds?" Miranda asked softly, deciding to not ask just yet. It wouldn't do her good to embarrass herself and be wrong. His eyes widened before he blushed as he messed with his hair.

"I like birds very much, Your Highness. I wasn't expecting to be asked such personal questions." Lowering his head as he covered his face in embarrassment. Did she ask something that reminded him of something, she didn't think she was too blunt with the question. Deciding not to push anymore, she leaned back before glancing towards the couples that danced.

"Heinley, would you like to dance with me? Consider it my apologies and welcome to the empire." A small grin playing on her lips as she put a hand towards him to see if he would like to. A wide smile forms on his lips as he grasped her hand, leaving her to the dancefloor.

Wrapping a hand around her waist securely and the other one holding her hand, they danced smoothly together and on beat to the sound of the piano and violins as people watched and muttered.

"You know, people think I'm a womanizer. They might think you're falling for the act." Heinley whispered in her ear before twirling her around. She processed that information before deciding how to answer. It wouldn't do her reputation good depending on how people took the rumors. They might think that she's a weak ruler who is falling for the womanizer prince of the neighboring kingdom.

"I don't think you are, if anything people might think you're my plaything." She responded back, watching his smile fall a little before it was put back on quickly. Did she hit a nerve? Looking into the crowd, she see Navier and Sovieshu watching her dance. Flashing a quick smile to them before continuing the conversation with the prince.

"Did I hurt your feelings, Prince Heinley?" Miranda asked, pondering why his smile went off like a mask. He looked like a completely different person just now. It made her wonder about him, she would ask Alexander or Eleanor to get information about him for her. He could be a danger to the empire.

"Of course not, I was just shocked. No woman has spoken to me like the way you did." Laughing a little as he shook his head in disbelief, what a strange character he thought. Women usually were all over him. Not only did she seem to not be attracted to him but she also without meaning to referred to him as a playtoy. Dipping her down one last time as the music stopped and claps were heard throughout the ballroom.

"You're a good dancer, Empress." Heinley complimented her, kissing her hand before he made his way to his servant. Deciding that she wanted to lie down, Miranda gave a quick speech saying how people were welcome to stay in the guesthouse if needed and that she was departing for the night. Heading to her bedroom, she was put in a nightgown by the ladies of waiting.

"Is there any rumors or news about Prince Heinley?" Miranda asked, they would know. They always got the news and rumors about guests and people in the empire which made it easy to be socially aware and know who to watch out for.

"He and his friend Duke Ergi are known to be flirts, Your Majesty." Luna answered, remembering the gossip that she heard. He knew Ergi? Miranda questioned, he never told her about Heinley or that they were friends. When did this happen, she'll have to ask him once she see or hear from him again.

"Is that all?" There had to be more things about him, definitely with the way people talked tonight.

"His brother is ill and people think he's the caused of it so that he can take the throne." Eleanor added on. He didn't seem like the type who would do that, but people did have masks and power do change people at times. She doubted that the young prince would do such a thing.

"I would also like to plan a trip to the Eastern empire in a week. It'll be good for trade opportunities. Please tell Alexander to prepare for the departure too." Her ladies nodding their head before heading out her bedroom as Miranda nestled into her blankets.

'It'll be good to see the Eastern empire, I could also learn more about the commoners and how to improve here. I do miss Navier's company anyways.' Miranda thought to herself before sleep called her.

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