The mistress|Who are you?🥀

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As Miranda worked quickly through the week, doing her paperwork and fixing things in the empire such as the church building. She made it to the day where she would visit the Eastern's empire. Stretching her body to relieve the tension in her back, she gathered her ladies in waiting in her bedroom to help her pack.

"Your Majesty, who'll be in charge while you're away?" Luna asked, folding a few of Miranda's clothes before putting them in one of the many suitcases.

"Fret not, I already have that handled along with having a few more guards on station and around the empire in case of an emergency. I also alerted the witches to help and one will be coming along." She did leave a note of instructions, she trusted that her step in would be able to handle it.

"Melody, will you be a dear and see if Alexander is ready?" Asking one of her few quieter ladies. They would often fade in the background, she'll have to remember to interact more with the other two to get them out their shell.

"Yes, My lady." Melody replied in a soft tone before toddling out the room. With all the things she would need in her suitcase, satisfied with how she's leaving things, she walked outside to see Alexander and her ladies in waiting putting her things in the carriage while the witch she is bringing along sat inside.

Alexander opened the door for her, helping her inside as she sat across from the witch before looking at them. He looked around her age, she remembered hearing about him, he was a death witch who also specialized in healing.

"What's your name?" Miranda asked in friendly tone, observing the boy with silver locks and a birthmark under his eye. He was dressed in dark color clothes with a cloak on.

"My name is Mercury, Your Majesty." He muttered softly, his eyes casted down. He seemed to be the shy type, that was fine for her. It was useful to have quiet ones at times. Her ladies entered the carriage before Alexander closed the door as he entered the front with the driver before the carriage took off.

"Your Highness, are you excited for the New Year's celebration?" Luna asked, bouncing in excitement. She completely forgot about that, hopefully one of them packed a dress that would be fitting for that.

"Yes, I am very excited. The party is always so well done and fun." Smiling at the thought of last year's celebration, her and Navier had walked in the garden afterwards where she made her a pond where her nest sat at.

"I also heard a rumor though." Melody added on softly. A rumor? It was probably one about one of the noble's getting a new lover or something of that sort.

"What is it, Melody?" Miranda questioned, tilting her head in acknowledgement towards the girl.

"The Emperor was said to bought in a woman to the castle a day ago.." She said, fidgeting with her hands slightly.

"Sovieshu wouldn't dare to bring in a mistress, I'm sure he's just doing her a favor. He always been kind." Miranda said out, mostly to herself. He might had a little stupid at times, but he wouldn't be that stupid. He hated the thought of a mistress anyways.

"I agree, Your Highness." Eleanor pitched in, she seen the young man grow with the empress of the Eastern's empire. They had a good bond when they were young and they seemed to be fine at Miranda's ceremony.

The conversation died out as the rest of the ride was quiet, Mercury sleeping. She hoped that he was sleeping enough, it wouldn't do her good to have a witch who was too exhausted. She'll make sure that he is once they reach their destination which is soon. Heading to the road that she recognized, she knew they were near as the outside of the castle could be seen as they rode inside.

𝘌𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘙𝘰𝘴𝘦|𝘙𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘥 𝘌𝘮𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴🥀Where stories live. Discover now