Ch. 5

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⚠️ NSFW warning; smut

Many eyes were laid onto them. It's making Aether really uncomfortable. The way they would stare at him they are full of envy. Aether could tell it.

Aether touched Xiao's left shoulder, making Xiao lean on him for a bit. "Xiao, why are they staring at us?" Xiao noticed it too. But he wouldn't mind. It is quite understandable since he is one of a member of a band. He never really knew that Aether did not like it.

They were only childhood friends from their old kindergarten. They were very close even if the both of them has an opposite personality, they were still close. Unfortunately, Xiao's parents died. That's why he had to move with his uncle— his dad's friend. It was very fortunate for him to get adopted by his dad's friend. He never really expected that Aether would show up in his university. When he first laid his eyes on the blonde, he exactly knew who he is. Aether unexpectedly did not recognize him. Probably because his hair was always messy at that time. Messy hair, a crybaby, and is unbelievably quiet. So quiet to the point that their teacher was concerned about it. Turns out, it was common for his family to be like that. His dad was really quiet like him. That's why he only had a friend with him. 

"Well, let's hurry up. They might even stare more." He holds the blonde's hand. The softness was so tender. Just like before Aether would approach him and hold his tiny little hands with his.

They have finally arrived. The atmosphere at their dorm was really quiet. It is what Aether was expecting.

"We're here. It's messy right here 'cause we had a stupid bet last night." Xiao rolls his eyes.

"Was it that stupid to be this messy? Hahahaha! I cannot believe it!" He laughs really hard.

"Calm down, it was a bet made by our friend, Venti." His mood went irritated. "He's just— I know his tunes are good but, he's just so noisy!"

"Venti? He's with me in my first class. I really like his vibe. Is he really that noisy? When I was with him, he was really quiet."

Xiao's eyes quickly went up. He was really surprised that Venti knows how to shut up. Something serious must have had happened. He's usually noisy about the games they always play or how the wine taste great.

"I see. He's usually.. really noisy."

They heard the door creeks, it was someone. Definitely one of Xiao's roommates.

Xiao walks up to the door to welcome his roommate.

"Kazuha, you're early today. Did something happened?" The man noticed that there was a shoe that he had never seen before. "Do you have a friend came by? That's rare." The man smirks as they went inside to the living room.

When they went in, both of the man stared at the beauty of the blonde. "Your hair.. did you untie it?" Once Aether heard Xiao, he noticed that his roommates saw him. They were completely red. "You two are feverish. Are you both okay?" Kazuha came to Aether's side, "I am Kazuha, one of Xiao's friend. As well as his roommate."

"Aether is my name, I am a freshman student here. It's a pleasure to meet you, Kazuha." The man in front of him blushes even more.

"Ehem, it's already late today. Would you like to stay here for the night?" Aether could see outside that it's very late indeed. It made him nod to the man "Shall we make dinner? What would you like, Aether?"

"Anything is fine. Would you like some help?" Kazuha went to his room to go change. "Sure.."

Aether chopped a bunch of vegetables while Xiao do the cooking. "Wow, your chopping skills are very impressive." Aether hums while chopping the last vegetable. The onion made him cry a little bit. When they're finally finished, Kazuha helped them set the table.

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