Ch. 7

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Whilst waking through the hallways, Aether realized how door on every class has tons of plants outside the door. When he arrived his class, there were two seats that's empty.

"Oh, here we are," their professor looked at Aether's face. "Here is the new student that I am talking about. He is one of the few students recently got in. Please treat him accordingly." the professor gave him another look. "I am Aether. Although, I am really bad at introducing myself, I swear I'm nice! Please do treat me well!"

A lot of students were whispering at each other. Most of them blushes, after. Aether was, of course, oblivious at the expressions that they were making. He shrugged it off until someone bangs the door behind him. The teacher was already furious at this. "Kunikuzushi! How many times do I have to tell you to not bang the door..! Not only you were late, but you're also very rude!" Geez, this teacher has quite the temper. Aether secretly rolls his eyes.

"Don't call me that. You're not my mother. Well, anyways, sorry for being late I guess. Someone made a troublesome mistake that I had to clean."

The teacher looked at his eyes, she was irritated at his behavior. The teacher sighs loudly and looks at him again. "I will have to excuse you for now. There is a new student here so treat him right! There are two remaining seats on the back sit down now!"

The professor looks at their textbook. "I shall proceed what I was saying before—"

The two of the man sit down the right side of the back of the classroom. Scaramouche noticed that his hair was really long. He blushes at the sight of the man. Aether had a feeling that someone was staring at him. It's making him feel uncomfortable.

He felt that his phone vibrated. It was Ajax.

*At the message*

Ajax: ayooo, Aether. are you there? i'm kinda bored.

Aether made sure that the prof won't see him snooping his phone. He already knows that this professor will nag at him.

Aether: i am. what about it? are you even listening to your teacher?

Ajax: no, i'm not. say, have you already seen my friend??

Aether: i don't know. what does he look like?

Ajax: pfft- it's the man with a bowl cut and y'know, a mullet on the back.

Then, Aether immediately turns his head only to realize that Ajax's friend is the man who was late with him.

Aether: the guy who's names Kuni blah blah or something?

Ajax: wow, i'm shocked that you already found him! he usually skips some classes.

Aether: that explains it.

Ajax: why not go and try to talk to him? he's nice for sure. but he can be quite noisy and super annoying sometimes. still nice, isn't it?

Aether: haha, maybe.. next time.. lol

Ajax: alright then. oh wait! crap, the prof is asking me a question..

Aether: LOL, Good Luck

The professor raises her voice and this made Aether to focus on her.

"Yeah, so for this project we will need to be in a group. In this group we probably need two or three people with this project. I will ask you all if you are capable to be in two-people group or if not, three."

Then she started to call out every student if they want to be in a two or three group members. "It seems that two people have more votes than three people. Then, I'm gonna give you all 9 days to finish this project. Next week, which is on Tuesday, is the due date. Your partners will be your seat-mate. Good Luck and class is dismissed. You may go early for today to discuss what you'll do with your partners. After that, all of you are free to go get Lunch."

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