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jin hyung 💜
are you alright?
what happened with jungkook?

taehyungie ❣️
what? how did you know i was with him?

jin hyung💜
i just had a feeling
especially from your guys's posts
what happened?

i think that he should tell you what happened
but i'm fine
just a little confused and scared

jin hyung 💜
you can talk to me about anything tae
i won't judge you

i guess i'll tell you
that jungkook and i kissed

jin hyung💜

um.. twice

jin hyung💜

i don't really know what to make of it
the first time he said it meant nothing and
proceeded to act like an asshole to me
and then he kisses me again when he's all sad and emotional... then he asks if he
oversteps and now he isn't talking to me again
what am i doing hyung?

jin hyung💜
i think the important question here is
do you like him or not?

i would he lying if i said
i didn't like him at all

jin hyung💜
there's a lot about jungkook
that causes him to do these things
i'm not allowed to say anything bc it
isn't something for me to tell but
don't be too hard on him, he may seem like an asshole but he does have a heart

okay, hyung
i trust you

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