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The Kholi family took their seats in the economic class of the airplane, with Pallavi and Rhea cursing their fate under their breath. They kept complaining about the seat and facilities and how they used to travel in their private jet.

Ranbir, irritated by their talks, chose to look out through the window and stare at the clouds, ignoring them.

He closed his eyes and her faced flashed on his mind- Prachi. A smile appeared on his lips with just her thought. Suddenly, the smile vanished. His chest tightened with pain. It has been six years since she had left him.

It was his fault. It was his fault. And he knew it.

How wrong he was to disbelieve her. How wrong he was to listen to everyone else, but her. How wrong he was to marry Rhea. How wrong he was not to support Prachi.

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