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Beautiful yet normal. Too bright to look at, yet too bright to look away.

She was just the same as sunlight. She shines, spreading light.

She is a phoenix bird who rose from her ashes of failures, reborn to conquer the world.

The saying is true- "Sometimes you just have to die a little inside in order to be reborn and rise again as a stronger and wiser version of you."

She was stabbed with hatred, cheat and pain over and over again by her loved ones. They killed the innocent, honest, truthful, kind girl she used to be.. The earlier version of her was dead six years ago.

Now the world has a new version of hers....

A new PRACHI...

A new Prachi who do not yearn for people's love. A new Prachi who is a brand herself. A new Prachi in every manner.

There is only one person in this world who gets to see the old version of Prachi. The only person whom Prachi keeps close to her heart. The only person who she want to protect from all the evil world...


Prachi covered Saahas with the duvet and arranged pillows around him. Making sure he is safe, she sat down to check the mails. After completing her works, she sat on the bed, looking at her five- year- old son, Saahas..

He is her "Saahas"(courage), literally.

His presence gave her the courage to overcome the most difficult phase of her life. Not only did he survive situations that would be fatal for many, but also made her strong.


When Rhea found out that Prachi was pregnant, she started with her dirty games.

She had spilt oil on the stairs to make her fall, but her plan failed when Ranbir saved Prachi at the right time.
Once, during a party, Rhea replaced Prachi's water with vodka, but someone knocked it down. When Shahana went to wash her hands, she heard Aaliya and Rhea discussing how their plan failed. Shahana had asked Prachi to be careful and she too kept an eye on them always.

Once, they attempted to poison Prachi but Shahana saved her at the right time.

When all their plans were failing, they came up with a new trick. When Prachi and Rhea were standing on the stairs, Rhea purposefully fell down herself. Ranbir had then picked her in his arms and rushed her to the hospital. When the police came for the enquiry, Rhea pointed Prachi. Prachi was arrested despite her claim to be innocent. Ranbir had also turned his face away from her, refusing any help from his part. It was Shahana who managed to get a lawyer with Jai's help and get her out of the prison.

She returned to the Kholi Mansion. Pallavi, Aaliya, Vikram and Rhea were cold towards her from the very start. Now, Ranbir too turned against her.

Days later, when there was a family gathering and Prachi was serving water, Rhea kept her leg on Prachi's way. Prachi tripped and fell down on her tummy. The tray that she was holding too fell down, breaking the glass into pieces and she fell on those broken glass pieces which pierced into her skin.

Ranbir had helped her. He removed the glass pieces from her body. She insisted on taking her to the hospital which made him doubtful. Rhea too got worried thinking that the truth of Prachi being pregnant may come out.

Shahana accompanied them to the hospital. The doctor confirmed that the mother and baby was okay making Ranbir confused. He tricked Prachi to do a test.

Three days later, Ranbir was restlessly waiting for the results. When he received the results, he was shocked. The results showed that he was not the father of the child. Rhea handed him another report where Prachi's name was in the name of the mother and Sid's name in that of the father.

Angered and disgusted, he shouted at Prachi and blamed her for being a disloyal wife which broke Prachi again. Pallavi, Aaliya and Rhea smirked. The former smirked because Ranbir was shouting at Prachi, but the latter two smirked since their plan was successful.

Aaliya and Rhea had bribed the nurse and another doctor to make changes in the report.

Prachi looked at the report and was shocked. She understood who were behind this, but chose to be silent.

Ranbir said that he never wanted to see her again.

Prachi ran to her room. After a couple of minutes, she came back with her bag and other accessories that she had brought.

Daadi was trying her best to stop her but she didn't.

She went in front of Ranbir, took out a file and slapped it on his face.

"I knew that you are a fool.. I knew that you are your mom's puppet. But I never expected you to be so cheap. If there is one ounce of sense in you, you will see the truth," she said, throwing the original pregnancy report on his face and walked out of the Kholi Mansion, from their lives....

Prachi was walking aimlessly on the road with Shahana trying to talk something. But Prachi was not hearing anything. She is living, but dead..

Walking forward, they came in front of a car.

Sushma walked out from it and walked towards Prachi.

She got concerned seeing Prachi. She tried talking to Prachi, but she seemed lifeless.

Sushma took her home along with Shahana. Hardly had they reached home when they got call from the doctor saying that Pragya and Abhi's condition is worsening.

Hearing this, Prachi forgot all other things and insisted going to the hospital.

For the next one week, she spent most of her time in the hospital because of which she got affected by corona.

She was quarantined for two weeks.
Few days later, she got the news- Abhi and Pragya was dead. She performed their last rites.

Pain and torture that she experienced in the Kholi Mansion, lack of faith from her beloved, her world, her mother's and father's death, getting affected by corona, everything made her weak, both physically and mentally. She was broken to such an extent that she slipped to depression. She started skipping food and her health deteriorated further

Sushma and Shahana, concerned about Prachi and her child, got her admitted in the hospital. The doctor told that though the mother is weak, the child is healthy. If the condition of the mother doesn't improve, it may be fatal for both the mother and the child.

It was Sushmaji's words back then that gave Prachi the courage.
"When your unborn child can survive that fall, the virus infection, your depression and all the difficulties, then why can't you?"

This gave her a new hope... Her child... She want him/her... She will live for him/her.

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