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Waking up her sunshine, Prachi got busy with every mothers' morning duty. Getting him do the basic things in the morning, feeding him, telling him stories, getting him ready for school and packing his bag.

Holding on to Prachi's fingers with his little hand, with his school bag on his back and his water bottle around his neck, he was ready to go to school.

"Bye Nina... Bye Maasi... Bye Chucks," he said, waving his hands before entering the car.

On reaching the school, Prachi planted a kiss on his chubby cheeks. He kissed her back and in his sweet sound said, "Bye maama, I love you."

"Maama loves you too... Bye," she said, waving her hands. He walked towards his class.

As soon as he disappeared from her sight, the lovely, motherly look that adorned her face too vanished. A cold, arrogant look covered her face.

She headed towards her office.

"Good morning mam," everyone greeted her warmly, standing from their seats as soon as they saw her enter.

"Good morning," she replied in her cold tone that the employees have got used to.

Her coldness or arrogant nature had not earned the employees hatred. What they had for Prachi was respect.

(See the irony!! When she was herself, the sweet, innocent Prachi, people were busy trapping her, accusing her for no reason, hating her... But now, despite her efforts to make people hate her, she gets love and respect!!)

Six years back, when she was five months pregnant, Sushmaji had fallen ill. The company was in the verge of its downfall. That was when Prachi appeared as some saviour angel that was sent by God himself. It was her efforts and timely intervene that prevented the company from its downfall.
Even when she was heavily pregnant, she came to the office. The investors used to be surprised seeing her dedication. Maybe that has earned her the success that she had now. Whenever any employee is in need of anything, she was there for help, not directly, but in some or the other way.

The company had reached it's highest position after she took over the business. And that is to be appreciated. She made AP INTERNATIONAL what it is today.

Finishing her works in the office by 4, she headed towards Saahas' school to pick him. She always made sure that she herself dropped him school and picked him afterwards. She had also appointed a guard infront of the school with a sizeable salary to ensure Saahas' safety. He is her only possession that she never wants to loose.

Seeing Prachi waiting for him, Saahas ran towards her. She embraced him in a warm hug. He got into the car and started telling her how his day was in the school.

Reaching home, he ran towards Sushmaji.

"Ninaaa...," he called out.

Sushamaji too embraced him in a warm hug.

"Any woman will wish to lead a happy family life and so did I. My husband died ten years after our daughter's birth. My daughter got married to someone against my wishes and had a fatal end. After I thought that I have lost everyone and everything, Pragya entered my life, giving me hope. But that too didn't last long. Then came Prachi. For the past six years, I am happy. I am happy with my two daughters, son-in-law and my grandchild, Saahas," Sushmaji thought seeing a smiling Prachi and Saahas.

"Prachi..." Someone called Prachi from behind.

Prachi turned towards the origin of the sound.

"Ask him to stop treating me like a child," the speaker complained.

"Oh ho... What happened now Shahana?" Prachi asked keeping her hands on her hips.

"Look how he is feeding me. I am not a child," she said with a cute pout, pointing to the man beside her.

"You won't take care of yourself. So I have to, isn't Prachi?" asked the man.

"I agree with Aaryan," said Prachi, keeping her hands on Aaryan's shoulder. "And you must be grateful. He comes here finishing all his works just to see his wife," she continued.

"But...", before Shahana could say something, Aaryan stuffed the food into her mouth.

Sushmaji and Prachi laughed at his antics.

"Look Prachi, it grew further," Shahana said, with chewing her food, pointing to her baby bump.

"Oh ho Shahana... I saw it today morning too and it will not grow within hours," Prachi reasoned.

"But look carefully Prachi, it has grown," Shahana said.

"Hey Bhagwan... I think after four months, I will become father of two," Aaryan said.

"Two?" Asked Shahana, confused.

"Yes... One is my baby(touching her baby bump) and one is you.." Aaryan said and Shahana pouted.

Saahas got down from Sushmaji's lap and walked towards Shahana and started talking to her baby bump,"Baby, when will you come? I am waiting for you.. come fast and we can play together."

Everyone smiled at his cute antics.

From the time he was informed that a baby is coming, he used to talk with Shahana's baby bump.

"Okay?" Asked Saahas and Shahana felt the baby kicking her.

"The baby kicked.." she said.

"Really?" asked Aaryan excitedly, keeping his hand in her tummy. And the baby kicked again.
Though the baby had kicked a lot of times earlier, Aaryan couldn't feel it. This was the first time.

The moment Aaryan felt his child's moment, some kind of emotion filled his mind, his eyes got teary. This was exactly what he had felt when the doctor showed them their baby's heartbeat the first time.

Prachi and Sushmaji were enjoying the cute bond. Prachi's eyes got teary remembering her past. Though she had come a long way in forgetting it, sometimes, she gets reminded of it. She remembered the time when she was pregnant... She was alone when she saw Saaha's movements... She was alone when Saahas kicked her... She was alone when Saahas was born... A lone tear escaped her eyes and she wiped it as fast as possible.

But that did not go unnoticed by Arhana. They have witnessed several occasions like this. But she has always been strong and they were proud of her.
Shahana and Sushmaji were always with Prachi. Aaryan was with Purab in a business tour when all these happened. Abhigya's death news brought them back to India. That was when they came to know all that Prachi had been through. Aaryan and Purab broke all their relation with Aaliya, Rhea and the Kholis. Aaryan at first had soft corner towards Aaliya but when Purab narrated to him all her dirty games, Aaryan broke all ties with Aaliya. They migrated to London and for the past six years, they have been living together as a family.

Aaryan and Shahana resumed their friendship that was broken by Aaryan on Aaliya's insistence. They fell in love and later, got married four years back. It was they who had been with Prachi to satisfy her midnight carvings, take her to the hospital and what not. They treat Saahas as their own child. And now, they are happy waiting for their child...

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