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Ranbir entered the AP INTERNATIONAL with Rhea following him. They were asked to be seated outside the cabin and wait for their head to turn up.

He took his seat. He was restless.

Someone entered and everyone greeted that someone.

Ranbir's heartbeat increased. Some kind of emotion took over him. He looked towards the direction of that person.

His eyes opened wide... His lips curled into a smile... His heartbeat increased further and he stood up from his place.

He pinched himself to make sure that he wasn't dreaming, because infront of him stood his everything, his soul, his life, his lady love, his Prachi...

"Prachi..." he said.

There was someone else who was surprised or rather shocked seeing Prachi here- Rhea.

Hearing Ranbir say Prachi's name, Rhea held his hands, trying to claim her right on him. And Ranbir released her hands from him and kept staring at Prachi who looked as beautiful as ever.

Irritated by Ranbir's actions and because of the sudden gush of insecurities in her, Rhea ran towards Prachi shouting, "How dare you Prachi? Aren't you ashamed to follow us? And why the hell are you here?"

Prachi, who was in a call, turned to see  who was the one shouting in her office?

Even before Rhea could reach ten feets close to Prachi, her bodyguards got hold of Rhea and Rhea was struggling in their grip, trying to free herself.

"Leave me.. catch her.. she is a gold digger.." Rhea started shouting again.
"Shut up lady, she is our boss," said the men making Rhea freeze in her place for a moment, he eyes bulged out.

"Prachi is the owner of the AP INTERNATIONAL? " Rhea asked in utter disbelief.

Prachi took a look over the place. She spotted her EX- husband with her sister in her office.

"Oh.. so I was right.. They are the bankrupt Indian company owner," thought Prachi.

Prachi smirked and walked into her cabin, completely avoiding Ranbir.

"Mam, what is to be done with her?" asked her bodyguard.

"Throw her out. I don't want any lunatics in my office," said Prachi.

Following her orders, her bodyguards got Rhea out of the building.

Ranbir was shocked at Prachi's behaviour.

"Is this the same Prachi that I have known? Is this the Prachi who had loved me? Then why didn't she even look at me? She ignored me completely. And Rhea... Six years back, even after all that Rhea had done to Prachi, she always helped Rhea when she was in trouble.. Now," thought Ranbir.

"Sir, you may come in," the voice of a woman broke Ranbir from his thoughts.

Taking his files, he proceeded to the cabin to which his Prachi has just entered.


"It's Ms. Arora for you," said Prachi in a cold tone.

Ranbir was taken aback.

"Prachi... Why are you speaking like this? Where were you all this while? You know I..." Ranbir started.

"Mr. Mehra, I think you are here to discuss business," Prachi interrupted.

Understanding that Prachi is in a bad mood, Ranbir preferred to be calm now. He started explaining his plan and Prachi listened to it, in a perfectly formal way.

Meanwhile, Rhea was feeling restless. She could neither sit, nor stand. She was going insane. She just couldn't digest what has just happened.

"Six years back, I had tried all dirty ways, faced failures again and again and at last had succeeded in throwing Prachi out of my Ranbir's life. I had created such a stain in her character that no one will sympathise with her. When we became bankrupt, it didn't affect me because I thought that Prachi will be suffering in some slum, in a condition worse than us. But today... Everything turned upside down. Prachi is the owner of the AP INTERNATIONAL that has been in the list of the top ten richest Indian company for the past five years. And she had bodyguards around her who threw me out?! How... How is this even possible? And Ranbir... The way he was looking at her.. no.. no.. I won't allow them to unite again. No way," Rhea's mind shouted.

Ranbir had explained his plan and Prachi was reviewing the plan when the door of her cabin flew open and Saahas came running to her calling out,"Maa..." with Sushmaji following him.

Both Prachi's and Ranbir's eyes opened wide on the sight.

"Maa?" asked Ranbir confused.

Prachi stood up from her seat and walked towards Saahas.

"Is he "our" son, Prachi?" asked Ranbir holding Prachi's wrist.

"He is "my" son," said Prachi freeing herself from his grip.

Moving or rather running towards Saahas, Prachi hugged him as if she was trying to hide him from someone.
Sushmaji was also shocked to find Ranbir there.

"Take him home now," said Prachi to Sushmaji.

"But maa, I want to stay with you," said Saahas with a pout.

"My jaan, listen to maa, I will be home  before you count till ten after reaching home. Now go with Nina. Maasi said she has bought a kitten for you," said Prachi, trying to convince Saahas.

"Kitten?" asked Saahas excitedly.

Prachi nodded her head.

" Ok maa... But come back soon," said Saahas before leaving with Sushmaji.

Prachi hurried to her table.

"Is he our son, Prachi?" asked Ranbir again.

"Mind your own business, Mr Kholi," said or rather warned Prachi.

Taking hold of her arms and pinning her to the wall, Ranbir said, " if he is my son whom I couldn't meet all these years, then I will..."

"What will you do? Yes.. he is my son.. the same child whose parenthood you refused six years ago. Do the hell you want. Now leave my hand," shouted Prachi.

Ranbir let go of her.

Prachi was about to go when he pulled her again and she landed on his chest.

Wrapping his hands around her waist and holding her as close as possible to him, not giving even air the space to pass in between them, he said," I will have my son and the mother of my child back. And this is a challenge."

Pushing him back with all her force and freeing herself, Prachi said, looking straight into his eyes, "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED."

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