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NOTE: The legal proceedings or laws mentioned in the story do not depict the actual legal proceedings in India or any other nation.


[A leap of two months... (Ranbir gets successful in his deal with another company; he could win back his house ONLY, is still struggling. Aaryan and Shahana is blessed with twins- a boy and a girl)]

"What the hell..." Prachi cursed under her breath, staring at the papers in her hand.

"Martin, I need explanation," Prachi said looking at her legal advisor.

"Prachi, the thing is.. Two companies that we have in India and one here, in London is in Saahas, your son's name. Since your husband..."

"EX-husband," Prachi corrected him.

"Yes, your ex-husband has given claim about Saahas being his son and has filed petition asking for the kid's custody. The case has been filed with your and Saahas' name included so there are some issues, and therefore our project is withheld.," Martin explained.

"What is the solution for this?" Prachi asked.

"We should get the case solved first," Martin said.

"Okay then..."

"From India..." Martin informed.

Prachi looked shocked for a moment.

Leaving a deep sigh, Prachi nodded her head in agreement.

"I'll talk to my advocate in India you may leave," Prachi informed Martin.

Leaning her head back, Prachi closed her eyes. Flashes of all her mishaps in India, the torments she had to suffer, came to her mind.


Sushmaji's voice broke her from her thoughts.

She opened her eyes to see Sushmaji, Aaryan, Shahana and Purab staring at her.

"What will we do now?" asked Shahana.

"You must not get yourself involved in it Shahana. You must take rest, be with the babies. Aaryan, take her in," Prachi advised Aaryan.

Aaryan took her to the room where Saahas and the twins were sleeping.

Prachi burst into tears. Shushmaji hugged her, consoling her.

"I lost my ma, my papa, my everything. Saahas was and is my only hope. He is the only reason for which I live and now they want to snatch him from me? Shushma ma, I have never hurt anyone. Then for what sin is God punishing me?" Prachi cried.

Aaryan and Purab's heart ached seeing Prachi in this condition. Aaryan considers Ranbir, his once best friend as his enemy now, he will never forgive Ranbir or even his so called second mom for their cruelties.

Sitting near Prachi, Aaryan wiped her tears.

"My sister shouldn't fall weak.. you should be strong," Aaryan said, caressing her cheeks.

"I will not fall weak. Saahas is my world. I am not going to give up this time. I will fight. I will fight for my rights this time," said Prachi with a determined face.

"Aaryan, call Adv. Aayush Mehra and tell him to get ready for the case. Send him the copy of all the videos we have from the events that happened eight years ago. Ask him if anymore material are required," Prachi instructed Aaryan.

"I have a meeting tomorrow. We will leave for India after that,"she informed.


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