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"𝙉ot guilty

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"𝙉ot guilty."

The words she'd been hoping for – expecting, slid through her ears easily. A smile grew across her cheeks as she turned and looked down at Rueben. A similar – probably wider – grin was stuck to his face; his cheeks were red with heat. There was no better feeling than the one they were sharing right now.

The entire room clapped and roared with equal shouts of agreement and disagreement. She, however, focused on those that belonged to their friends. The four of them were waving and cheering towards her and Rueben. The smile on her face only grew more. She had never experienced a crowd of people supporting her before – it's nice.

Rayne turned back around and started collecting her things. Rueben stood up as she was doing so and stood next to her; he gently leaned his body against hers. The act was so quick, she almost thought it was her imagination. However, when she looked up at him again, his smile indicated that he had done it and that he wanted to do more. He wouldn't though – not in this public setting with a million newscasters nearby. She desperately wanted to tell him how much she appreciated the little things he did for and by her.

"I'm going to go talk to him," she nodded her head in the direction of her father.

"Do you want me to come with you?" he asked, the smile immediately leaving his face.

She frowned. Ever since her incident with Christian, Rueben had been insanely hostile when it came to the topic of her father. Whether that was just her being around him, or talking about him – he always gave her the same cold look. It made her wonder how much he knew – if he knew anything at all. To be honest, one of the biggest reasons she hasn't sat him down and told her about her past yet was because of how he would react. He had the measures to do whatever he pleased with Carson; he'd rip him apart limb to limb if given the opportunity.

And considering she just beat a murder trial on his behalf – she'd rather avoid that.

"No, I'll be fine on my own," she smiled gently, "Just wait here for me, okay?"

He nodded shortly, but that look didn't leave his face. At least, not until he noticed Isaac and Taryn approach the bar dividing the council and the public. Rueben turned, smiling again as he greeted and hugged them over the banister.

Rayne spun on her heel, wanting to give them some privacy, while also wanting to confront her father. She kept her head high on her shoulders as she approached him; he was packing his case with a deep scowl on his face.

He knew she was there without turning, "Go away Rayne."

"No thanks," she scoffed, "Not when it's the perfect chance to tear your ego down."

"Your words are very much unnecessary."

Rayne hopped up on the table like she'd done in the past, "Is that so?"

"Yes," he faced her, his expression grim.

She frowned again – this time deeper. Her father was never the type of person to sit there and show his enemies his weakness. Never in her life had she seen him cower to his emotions. Even if he looked like a complete idiot, he still pretended like he was untouchable.


Not my problem.

"Where's your little witness?" she asked, looking around, "I'm surprised she didn't show up today."

"Don't be. You won't be seeing her again."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You're smart," he smirked, "Figure it out."

"So now you're complimenting me?" she snorted, "Where's Carson and what'd you do with him."

"I'm still me," he clicked his briefcase shut, "I just know when it's time to put the gun down and stop fighting," he shrugged, "You did well. I shouldn't be shocked at that – you are your father's daughter, after all."

Rayne sneered at that final comment.

Yeah. Something is definitely off.

Alas, she didn't get to find out what that was, as he picked up his belongings and disappeared into the swarm of people.

She looked down at her legs as she swung them back and forth. She was happy – more than happy for winning this case and getting Rueben out of trouble, but she still couldn't help but feel unsatisfied. Without really consciously knowing it, part of the thrill of the trial was going up against her monster. She wanted the upper hand – she wanted to put him in his place and show him that she was better than him, after all this time. But now that she'd done exactly that, it felt anticlimactic.

It took this moment to understand that she didn't need to beat him in a case to be better than him.

I already am.

"Are you ready to go?" Rueben asked, standing in front of her.

She snapped her head up, having not noticed he walked over here.

"Yes, sorry," she jumped from the desk, "Where are we going?"

"My parents are taking us out for lunch."

"Is it somewhere fancy? I'd like to go and change."

"Fancy?" he shrugged, "I mean, sure, but you look good right now. There's no need for you to change. We'll be in the VIP room anyway; Emmet's friends with the owner."

"Are you sure?" she felt uneasy.

"Yes, Red. You could be wearing a garbage bag and I'd still think you're the sexiest woman alive. Everyone else – who fucking cares what they think? They'll never have you anyway," he smirked.

Rayne felt the corners of her mouth upturn, "Okay."

"Good. Now let's find our way out of here so I can kiss that pretty mouth of yours."


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