Chapter 211: Joining Fatgum's Agency

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-----YOUR POV-----

I looked through my closet looking for clothes to substitute for my ruined 'hero costume' but i couldn't put together a good enough costume that would look heroic enough standing beside Kirishima, Tamaki and a pro hero Fatgum as i recall.

I sighed and pulled out one of my clothes that i used during training back in Konoha. Nothing fancy, just something simple with a few pockets here and there to keep my kunais and scrolls. I also carried a small backpack just incase. I planned not to bring my swords since one was broken and i'd rather not bring anything that might scare the civilians more.

 I planned not to bring my swords since one was broken and i'd rather not bring anything that might scare the civilians more

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(Add a hood on it)

As for Gray...

"Let's go? Ejiro is waiting for us downstairs."

Gray stretched and jumped off my bed.

"As ready and ill ever be."

I offered my arm to him to witch he jumped up and comfortably positioned himself on my shoulders.

We... I mean i walked downstairs to meet up with Kirishima who was still in his uniform with his costume in his suitcase.

"What are you wearing?" He asked.

"Couldn't find hero worthy costume so just decided to wear my training clothes back in Konoha. My old one wa practically useless now that everyone knows what i look like and the other was burnt and torn sooo.."

I trailed off not wanting to go back to the I-island memory.

Looks like Kirishima got my hint and decided not to push it. Great i made it awkward.

"Got it."

"Wait why? Does it look bad?" I asked in a fake gasp yet worried tone to lighten the mood.

"W-what? no no no no! That not what i meant." Kirishima stumbled on his words worried.

I, of course didnt care about what i wore but i was happy we left the i-island topic behind.

"Its just that.. Don't you think its a little too plain for hero work? not that you dont look cool and all.."

"No. You're right. I think its abit plain. I might have to get something done, this is just temporary." i shruggged. "Besides, its about saving people not how fancy you look."

He laughed. "You got that right!"

We bid goodbye to our classmates who were hanging out in the common room and left to meet up with Tamaki.


We entered Fatgum's agency where he greeted up with a smile and offered us some food.

"You guys! You want some takoyaki? Have some before we go on patrol."

Since we have classes during the day our patrol starts at sundown to at least 10 tonight, as Tamaki or Suneater as his superhero name.

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