Chapter 213: A visit with Okami

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-----YOUR POV-----

We were all seated outside the meeting room. By we i meant the students. Somehow, even with all of us here, the atmosphere was too thicm and heavy.

"If i insested on bringing Eri, Eri would've..." Midoriya started.

We couldn't say anything to lighten things up.

I looked down at Gray. He has been surprisingly quiet too..

The elevator chimed and a man steped out.

"Are you guys mourning for the dead?" Aizawa asked.

"I was planning to propose the suspension of your internships in the meeting today."

"What? Why so sudden?!" Kirishima asked who was surprised along with the others. I on the other hand found it predictable.

"You guys heard that the case could be connected to the league of villains, right? The situation is different now." I kept my gaze low.

"But.." He started again. "(Y/n). Midoriya. You still havent earned back my trust but unfortunately, even if i stop you here, you'll definitely rush out again." He moved forward and crouched down so they were ay the same height. "Since you're doing it, do it righteously, Midoriya. Do you hear me you problimatic child?"

It took everything he had not to cry in front of Mr. Aizawa so he nodded.

"(Y/n). You are strong but sometimes act reckless. If the League of Villains do show up, there might be a chance the Akatsuki will show up as well. If that happens, no one else is capable of stopping them but you. We're counting on you." I nodded. He placed his hand on my shoulder giving me a pat before standing back up.

"i'll give you some encouragement. The hand you two didn't grab. It doesn't necessarily mean despair to Eri. Hold your head up."

"We'll definitely save her."

They Smiled and new found determination filled the table. Ill smack some sense into that that old hag for using his child as a source of income.




We continued back to our usual days in the school. Clearly the others are having the worst time coping up what they have learned during the meeting,   they stare off into space during lunch And they cant focus on the lessons. Thats coming a lot from someone who  hasnt paid attention all year.

I took it upon myself to train separately during Mr. Aizawa's P.E. time.


"What brought you here to visit?" She asked openeing her eyes to look at me.

'Well, for one we need to be able to understand eachother in order to work together.'

"So, you want to.. Hang.. Out?" She said almost in quotes.

'In other words, yeah.'

"Arent we supposed to be finding a way to retrieve the sword?"

'Tsukuyomi's sword. Im aware.'


'I know you're anxious to get it but like it ore not, we cant stand up against Madara alone. Not to mention we have no clue where he is. So in the mean time lets focus on our teamwork.'

She stared at me as i did to her. It took a while but she gave in.

"Fine." She held her hand out to me. "Well? Do you trust me?"

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