The Black Fog

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Rose's POV

It had been a week after the incident at the Malfoys. Albus had told me all about it and I had to admire Scorpius's courage. It took a lot of guts to take on Death Eaters while learning magic virtually. I was doing an essay on Potions when Hugo poked his head into my room. "Whatcha doin?"

"Homework," I replied. "Do you want to take over?"

"No," said Hugo. "I'm bored, Rosie. Mum says I can't go to the Potters and my computer's dead."

My eyes went wide and I stood up. "Your computer is dead?!"

Hugo smiled. "It's what Muggles say when it needs to be charged. You can be so dumb sometimes."

I rolled my eyes. "Not funny. Go play with your toys."

Hugo huffed. "I'm way too old for toys, Rosie. I'm eleven."

"Mhm," I said and shooed him out of the room. I sat back on my desk and read my essay so far off my parchment. I figured I needed a couple more paragraphs to finish and then I would treat myself to cookies from Grandma Weasley.

As I put my quill down, satisfied, I heard a crack! I followed the sound down the stairs and into the fireplace. I saw Albus's head sticking out. He looked around to see if anyone else was there, then jumped out and ran up into my room. He looked agitated. I ran after him and locked the door.

"Albus! What are you doing here?" I scolded.

He panted, and held up his hand to catch his breath. Finally, he said, "I need your help."

"You should have mirrored me," I gestured to the broken mirror on my bedstand. "In case you didn't know, a worldwide pandemic is currently happening."

"It's important," he said. "A few days ago, me and James and Lily got this really creepy letter from someone saying that something bad was going to happen and we'll all die. We just ignored it, but more and more came and now I got this one this morning." He handed me a folded piece of parchment. I unfolded it and read:

James, Albus and Lily,

Meet us at Gringotts bank tomorrow morning. We are expecting you three, no one else, to be there. If you want to live, you had better arrive.

There was no signature. 

"What are we going to do?" Albus asked in a small voice. His face was pale.

I took his hand. "Maybe they just want your autographs or something." But I knew that it was more serious than that.

"James says we should go, but we don't know who it's from, and we can't tell Mum and Dad," Albus ranted.

"I think I should come too," I said. "I want to see what this is all about."

"But it might be dangerous for you."

"It is more dangerous for you guys," I said. "I'm going whether you like it or not."

Albus smiled. "I was kind of hoping you'd say that."

"What else is your favorite cousin for? Are you sure we're not telling any adults?"

Albus shook his head. "James says they've got enough on their plate without having to worry about this."

I nodded, understanding. "And how are we going to get there without anyone knowing?"

"I've got a plan," said Albus.


The next day, I asked Mum if I could go to the Potters. She was hesitant at first, but after a lot of begging and pleading, she agreed. Hugo and Dad were playing wizard chess up in Hugo's room. Mum and I side-Apparated to their backyard. 

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