Chapter 3

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An orange-golden hue spread itself over the town, as the sun had started setting, though the village was still bustling as ever with shop-owners trying to sell their last products for the day and children all growing increasingly giddy over the soon-to-be festivities.

Y/n sighed, even here time seemed to run ahead without them, leaving them to chase after moments that have passed long since. Perhaps, they should have just given into the teasing, instead of mulling over whether or not the villagers would find them weird. They were undeniably overthinking it, but that was just in their nature, they were in a foreign environment every little possibility of failure clung to them rendering them hesitant to do anything, really. Maybe they should stay home, after all...that would probably be safer anyway.

Just as they were starting to feel relief upon their decision fate decided positive emotions weren't appropriate, a sudden rain shower released upon the market square, full-force. Startled by the unexpected weather change, Y/n rushed into a store, any would do, the last thing they needed was smelling like a wet dog on top of the deep pit in their stomach.

The inside of the establishment was quite striking, instruments were scattered all around, categorized by color, sound, and material, but best of all, there was a small, tucked-away shelf with old records. They forgot their anxiety for a moment and stalked up to the treasured disks. Their grandma had gifted them an entire collection and despite them not owning anything to play them with, the cover art had always captivated Y/n. Someone in the world would probably be angry, claiming that they have no respect for the music and that they should leave it for folks who could actually appreciate the songs but it was their own little passion. Besides, record players were expensive nowadays

A small frown snuck onto their face, as they eyed the intricate covers, they couldn't afford to spend their limited funds on luxury items...but for whatever reason, everything in Encanto seemed a bit more beautiful than usual. The lively play of colors extended from the artwork to the wall behind and beyond the shelf. Every part of this building, even the rather hidden parts were decorated to the fullest and presented its own experience.

"Is everything alright?" An older gentleman had somehow found his way to them, giving her a concerned grin. "Oh yeah, I was just admiring the view..." "Would you like to listen to one?" He interrupted their beginning ramblings. Y/n nodded gently, watching him take one of the disks and walk behind the counter, kind of resembling an excited toddler. After a bit of fiddling a soothing tune filled the air, temporarily slowing time alongside Y/n's heartbeat. "Music is a powerful tool if you know how to use it correctly," the old man whispered, in an attempt not to overpower the fragile melody.

"True. Back home our bands and choirs would always bring people together." "Oh, you play an instrument?" His surprised expression seemed unjustified, they were in a music shop, after all. "Yeah, I sing and know a bit of guitar," deciding to be friendly, they fed into his senseless chatter...perhaps he would have some interesting stories to tell. "That's good, that's good, the youth doesn't know how to appreciate performing nowadays!"

"I wouldn't say that..." they chuckled. "Everybody merely has their own way of expressing their love...besides I usually don't go on stage alone, stage-fright and everything." "Oh come on, I'm sure your voice sounds just amazing on its own." He gave them a hearty grin. "Camilo, you hooligan, get away from my counter!" An identical-looking man came hurrying down the stairs shooing away the rapidly changing impostor. Y/n flinched with widened eyes, what was happening?

Camilo, grinning like the delinquent he is, grabbed a small box off the wooden surface and jumped over it effectively dodging the furious shop owner. "We've been busted! Quick!" He took Y/n's hand and burst out of the building. "Slow down!" They demanded but Camilo's grip didn't budge. "You'd make a terrible criminal, you know." He gave them a goofy smile and slipped past a complaining crowd of aunties, into an alleyway. "Thank you?" Y/n still hadn't completely comprehended the situation but their mind was catching up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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