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summary: camilo figures out a way to get back together with y/n

they/them pronouns used for reader


"camilo, meet emilia," abuela gestured to the girl next to her. she was pretty but not as pretty as y/n.

"hello," emilia chirped as camilo shakes her hand.

pepa and felix could be seen frowning in the background.

"she will become your wife, after you turn 16," abuela added.

camilo's smile faded, "w-what? but i'm too young... what about-"

"i thought you and y/n broke up?" the older woman questioned.

"we did but-"

"then there shouldn't be any problem."

camilo shuts his mouth, not wanting to argue with her. he glanced at emilia who gave him a look of pity.


emilia and camilo walked around the forest. abuela wanted them to get to know each other, much to camilo's dismay. neither of them made no move to speak.

"i'm gonna be honest with you, i do not want to go through this marriage either," emilia spoke up.

camilo sent her a questioning look.

"my parents wanted me to do this," she continued. "and, like you, there is someone else who owns my heart."

"who?" he asked as they trekked around the forest, leaves crunching underneath them.

emilia sighed, "your cousin, mirabel."

"oh... does she know?" camilo queried.

"no..." she fiddled with her skirt. "i wish i could tell her but-"

"emilia," he interrupts, his feet stopping as he grabbed onto her shoulders to make her look at him. "you have to tell her."

"don't give up on her," he repeated what mirabel had said to him. "just like how i will not give up on y/n."

when emilia didn't say anything he continued, "i will figure out a way for us to get out of this, for us to be with our loves."

emilia nodded and smiled, "okay."


emilia and camilo came up with a plan. they would get along and pretend to be "in love" with each other. then they would pretend to get in a heated argument which would most likely get abuela to pull the arranged marriage out.

it was simple. after abuela decides not to have the arranged marriage, both camilo and emilia would make their ways back to y/n and mirabel.


"mira, who is that girl with camilo?" y/n whispered to mirabel as they watched the two clinging onto each other.

mirabel turned around, "oh, that's emilia."

y/n still looked confused.

"wait did i forget to tell you?" her eyes widened. "they're having an arranged marriage." mirabel sounded sad at the topic.

"oh," y/n mumbled.

"y/n, you know he stills loves you," mirabel said. "he just didn't have a choice."

y/n nodded, giving her a small smile, "i'll be fine. i'm fine."

but they knew they weren't.


"do you think it's working?" emilia whispered to camilo.

"abuela looked pleased this morning," camilo shrugged in response as emilia gave mirabel a longing gaze. "we'll be back with them in no time, just trust me on this. my plans always work out."

"sure they do," she quipped back, remembering the time one of his pranks gone wrong and he was running around encanto in fright.

camilo looked at y/n and mirabel who both looked upset. he gave a wave towards y/n who glanced away and started to talk to mirabel again.


it has been 4 days since they have been pretending to be in love and both of them were already tired. it was time for phase 2 of the plan.

camilo got his best acting face as emilia evened out her dress. camilo counted down to 3 before they bursted out of his room, both of them spurting out nonsense at each other. they were loudly arguing which caused the madrigals to come outside to see what was going on.

"what is the meaning of this?!" abuela finally walked into the room.

emilia and camilo paused before spitting out nonsense at her, pointing at each other.

"okay, okay, enough!" she yelled and they finally stopped.

"abuela, i do not like her! i don't want her to be my wife!" camilo complained.

"and i do not want him to be my husband!" emilia crosses her arms, looking away from him.

"dios mío, maybe this arranged marriage was a mistake," abuela muttered to herself.

"yes!" they both yelled at the same time.

their plan had worked.


pepa had a rainbow over her head, her son didn't have to go through the arranged marriage now! emilia's parents were not happy but understood the situation. emilia and mirabel finally could be together. but camilo had a hard time getting back with y/n.

"camilo, i will find someone else who is more fitting for you," abuela told him.

he frowned, "but i don't want anyone else."

"if this is about y/n again-"

"yes this is about y/n again!" camilo cuts her off. "abuela, please, they are my love! my life! they make me so happy. why can't you just see that? that whole thing, with emilia, was all for them. because i love them."

the older woman stood, shocked.

"and i don't care what you say anymore," he continued. "hell, i will run off and marry them if it means i can be with them."

camilo stormed off without another word.


y/n heard a knock on their door. they opened the door to see camilo with a red rose. just like on their first date.

"a rose for the most beautiful in all of encanto," camilo repeated, handing them the flower.

y/n gets that flustered feeling once again, "oh, why thank you... but, camilo, you know we can't be together."

he conjoined their hands together, coming close to them, "mi amor, i don't care about abuela anymore. i just want to be with you."


"sh, sh," he puts a finger on their lips. he then pulls away and brings out the box they gave him. "see this?"

he pops open the cover, all of the stuff still in there.

"it shows how beautiful our relationship is. i don't want to give up on that. on us. do you?"

y/n smiled, shaking their head, "absolutely not."

camilo grins before leaning in to give them a passionate kiss. they heard cheering in the background and the pulled away to see the madrigals across the street. abuela was there too and she gave the couple a warm smile, now accepting them.

"were you guys there the whole time?" camilo asked.

"sorry, hijo, dolores told us what was going on," felix responded.

"my favorite couple are back together!" mirabel squealed and they all began to cheer again.

i feel like this wasn't as great as part 1 so uhh sorry
i watched encanto for the 9th time today and got the motivation to finish this :D

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