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yandere camilo returns 😈


AFFECTION (how do they show their love and affection? how intense would it get?)

-he can't take his hands off of you

-he loves cuddles and hugs

-you know that feeling when there's a really cute cat that you just wanna squish it?? yeah thats him with you

BLOOD (how messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?)

-it's a BLOODBATH when it comes to you

-he's not afraid to get messy

CRUELTY (how would they treat their darling once abducted? would they mock them?)

-he's actually really sweet with you

-like a creepy and cute in a way

-he admires you

DARLING (aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling's will?)

-not really

-besides the fact that he would force you to marry him

-but he wouldn't force you into anything else

EXPOSED (how much of their heart do they bare to their darling? how vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?)

-he's very vulnerable

-he'll be ranting to you a lot, including how he finds it annoying every time you resist him

FLIGHT (how would they feel if their darling fought back?)

-he's sad that you wanna leave him so badly

-he will literally pout every time you try to escape

-he's like a puppy <3

GAME (is this a game to them? how much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?)

-while he is sad, he also finds amusement in you trying to leave

-he finds amusement in everything tbh

-he'd watch you with a crazed smile before pouncing on you, telling you that there is no way out

-and OHH MY GOD, his smile gets wider when he sees how scared you get

HELL (what would their darling's worst experience with them?)

-one time he almost gave you a concussion bc you were really REALLY desperate to get out

IDEALS (what kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?)

-he wants to have a relationship with you similar to pepa and felix's

-he wants to marry you and have children with you

-he wants to grow old with you and watch as the miracle gets passed on to the next generation

-you two will have a perfect family and he'll make sure of that

JEALOUSY (do they get jealous? do they lash out or find a way to cope?)

-yes he does get jealous

-he lashes out but not at you

-you watch as he make a mess of his room

-besides, he could easily fix it since his room can shapeshift as well

KISSES (how do they act around/with their darling?)

-very clingy, whether its in public or private

-in public, it's considered normal for him to cling onto you at this point ╥﹏╥

LOVE LETTERS (how would they go about courting or approaching their darling?)

-he's very forward with you

-and super flirty

-right when he laid his eyes on you he KNEW he had to talk to you

MASK (are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?)

-lol yeah

-he acts like a gentleman when with others

-the only thing that hasn't change is that 'charm' of his

-overall, he's creepy but in a sweet way with you? idk,,

NAUGHTY (how would they punish their darling?)

-silent treatment

-he ignores you for the rest of the day

OPPRESSION (how many rights would they take away from their darling?)

-he wouldn't let you have any friends, telling you that you don't need them

-he's selfish

PATIENCE (how patient are they with their darling?)

-he's able to be patient.... just only for a moment

-keep him waiting and he'll get upset!!

QUIT (if their darling dies, leaves or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?)

-no, he will not move on!

-he has planned his whole life with you, he wouldn't throw it all away if you escaped or died

REGRET (would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? would they ever let their darling go?)


STIGMA (what brought this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?)

-he watched how romantic his parents are with each other and always wanted a relationship like theirs

-he wants to treat you like how you should be treated, ur the love of his life

-but slowly his love turns into obsession

TEARS (how do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry and/or isolate themselves?)

-he feels bad

-he hates to see you cry

UNIQUE (would they do anything different from the classic yandere?)

-ok idk if this is different from classic yandere but he will shapeshift into your friends and basically tell you nasty stuff

-you will come crying to his arms and he's always there to comfort you

-camilo madrigal is selfish and he knows it

-master of manipulation me thinks

VICE (what weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?)

-you can pretend that ur in love with him so he'd let you out

WIT'S END (would they ever hurt their darling?)


XOANON (how much would they revere or worship their darling? to what length would they go to win their darling over?)

-to him you are like an angel sent from above

-he'll do anything to gain your trust

ZENITH (would they ever break their darling?)

-im gonna be honest idk what this one means

-but no, not on purpose at least

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