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summary: not spoiling anything, just read..

aged up reader and camilo + yandere! camilo

they/them pronouns used

tw: forced marriage, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, uhhh harassment 😨, regular yandere stuff

me and my husband by mitski but with a twist if you couldn't tell


"so how are you and camilo?" f/n took a sip of her wine.

y/n smiled at the thought of their husband, "oh, we're doing great! he's so kind to me."

tonight was one of those nights camilo let them out of casita. so why not spend that time to talk with their old friend?

"it's always been just me and him, together," they hummed.

"that's sweet," said f/n.


"sh, sh, mi amor," camilo pressed his hand on their mouth as they struggled to get him off. "i'm doing this just for us."

y/n bit on his hand and he retracts it immediately, yelping slightly. "you're a fucking psycho!"

"you bitch!" camilo grabbed their hair and pulled them aggressively. they let out whimpers. "don't make me mad or there'll be consequences."

"camilo, y-you're hurting me," they tried to pull away from his grasp.

he notices what he did and lets go of them, frowning. "i'm sorry, amor. don't cry! i hate to see you cry."

"please, just let me go," y/n trembled.

"oh no, i can't do that, mi vida," camilo denied. "you're mine. and i don't want anyone to have what's mine. you got that?"

they stared at them with fear. why was he acting like this? this wasn't the loving boyfriend they knew.

"i said, you got that?" he repeated, seething.

y/n shook their head. "dolores!"

camilo chuckled, "no one is gonna help you. not even dolores. i made sure of that."

"what?" they asked.

"oh they know already, darling. it's all apart of the plan."

"no, no, no, please," y/n pleaded. "stop this. i just wanna go home."

"this is your home," he smiled at them. "from now on, casita is your home."


"i'm glad camilo let you out of that place," f/n mentioned. "i was beginning to think he had you cooped up there like a prisoner."

y/n laughed, "no, he would never do that. besides, i have stuff to do there. take care of the kids and stuff." they looked down at the dark red wine. "i have him too. he keeps me company."

"yeah well, you need to have a life too you know?" she said. "you can't just always stay home."

"it's okay, i don't really mind," y/n shrugged.

f/n sighed and nodded, seeing that there wasn't anything to change their mind.

"he is all i need," they added. "i feel loved when he's around."


y/n's been stuck in casita for a month. they haven't got outside for a month. they've tried to escape but always failed. with dolores' super hearing, camilo was able to track them down. making sure they wouldn't get away.

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