The end

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When soda found out what Gin and Shin were gonna do, they were furious that she ruined their plans. Gin and Shin tried to make soda forget about it, but she didnt for a while. Finally, Soda had forgotten over time. But one day when they were talking, soda decided to twerk jokingly. This caused Gin and Shin to remember their plans, so they did what they have been longing to do.

Try to beat soda in a twerking competition.

The next day was Gin and Shins big day. They went to Sodas house acting innocent like they werent gonna do anything. Soda started twerking while joking around, and that's when Gin started the competition. That's how the whole thing started.

After Shin had beat Soda, soda ran away feeling depressed. Soda went missing for over 5 years. Shin was walking on the sidewalk with luca and gin, after shin saw something in the corner of their eye, they walked to where they saw the thing. "Where are you going?" luca shouted. luca and Gin followed shin, to find...


"S-Soda?!...." Shin said in shock. Mluca and Gin stared at soda. "Gin? Shin? L-Luca?....." soda said. Soda was very surprised to see them. "Soda! Where have you been?!?" luca shouted in shock. "I'm...I'm so sorry......" Soda started to cry very hard. The others started crying too, and they all hugged.

Little did they know, soda was about to do something very unexpected. "I've been wanting to do this the whole time i was gone...I've been practicing with JESSICA VANESSA FOR 5 YEARS, TO BEAT YOU GUYS IN THIS STUPID COMPETITION! AHAHAHAHA!!AHHAHAHA!!" Soda yelled. "N-NO SODA!! DON'T DO THIS!" But it was already too late. Soda had already begun twerking, far better than luca, Gin, Shin, and even Jessica Vanessa combined could. "SODA! NOO!" The goddess and god of twerking came down to soda.                                                                                                  

"Well well, this one has accomplished perfect twerking and no one can be better." Gin, luca, and Shin starred in defeat. Soda had won. They couldn't do anything about it either. "You idiots! You really thought you could beat me?HAHA!" Soda shouted. But then, a miracle happened.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Gin started  twerking at a 240 degree angle, they put their butt 7 inches in the air, and went down 9 inches and repeated that cycle at 12 miles per hour. "N-No! THIS CANT BE!" Shin and Midori smiled with hope, and they started twerking too. "Soda, i never knew you were gonna hurt your friends..i should have NEVER helped you!" Jessica Vanessa screaming while crying.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Jessica Vanessa then walked over to Shin Gin and Luca. Ryuheavens came over too, and started twerking with them. It was too powerful. Soda had fell after the God and Goddess of twerking dropped her They came over to Ryuheavens, Jessica Vanessa, GIn, Shin, and luca. "Wow! I am impressed! You have achieved the impossible. You are the new Gods and Goddesses of twerking." They all started crying of happiness. Soda was screaming and crying. "THAT SHOULD BE ME! I SHOULD BE THE GODDESS OF TWERKING N-NOT THEM! NO!!!"  


                                                        was it really the end though?...

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