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Tiggles got up from their seat, and quickly walked to where they knew Soda was. Tiggles was prepared. She had gotten her powers ready for this battle. Tiggles knew it wouldn't be the last battle, so they won't use their full power just yet.. "Well, look what we have here..I guess there's nowhere for you to run now, old friend.." Soda said while putting her hands out to her side, beginning to fly into the air slowly, with lighting strikes and meteors crashing down into their atmosphere.

"This isn't right, and you know it! You must stop now! You're going to take the lives of zeptillions of innocent people! Don't you understand how this can end!?" Tiggles shouted. "Oh, i know very well how this can end..I've got it all planned out.." Soda said while smirking. "You what!? How could you!?! We used to be best friends! Now look at this tragedy! Our group could have had a perfect life!" Tiggles screamed in frustration. "SHUT UP IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU!" Soda screamed back at tiggles.

Soda then arched her back and put her hands on her knees and started twerking, as lightning followed by loud thunder was produced from how powerful her twerking was.'H-How can i do better than this?! There's no way! This is my end!' Tiggles thought to themselves. Tiggles came up with the perfect idea within the next minute. It was hard to hear her own thoughts because of Soda's powerful twerking. Tiggles was shielding themselves with a force field made from twerking waves.

The force field was starting to crack. 'Now's my chance...!' Tiggles made the force field break herself, and Soda came crashing down to the ground. Tiggles went over to her and body slammed her so hard she made a dent in the ground. Soda couldn't get up, even with her twerking skills.

Soda went into a panic. She didn't know what to do. She tried twerking Tiggles off her. She even used the spell of Twerk she learned in magic school long ago. Soda was going insane from failure. She gets up again, and again, only to never succeed. 

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