Part 14 - bitch fight

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Luke's POV
" hey Luke are you ready ?" I turned around and there stood Bethany.
" Erm yeah " I grabbed my bag and me and Bethany started walking to the van coach bus thing Sliver had rented out. I saw Amber and Jake hugging. I gave Jake a death glare and I received a smirk back. For some reason I feel like Jake is using Amber ...
Ambers POV
We all sat down fortunately I have Jake by my side but when there's a good there's a bad. Behind me I have Luke and Bethany and in front I have Jazmin and Sliver.
I'm here with my earphones In listening to 1D whilst to the side of me Jake is trying to break the argument up that consists of Jazmin , Luke and Bethany . But really he's just making it worse.
We finally get here and I kinda jump over Jake and run out of the bus van coach thing and breathed in the fresh air.
Once everyone got out we headed to the campsite. Me being me I was way in front of everyone else. I stopped dead in my tracks and started running to Jake and hid behind him.
" what's up?"
" someone's  here , the camp fire is lit"
Everyone started laughing.
" what?!" I exclaimed
" didn't you look on the map ? They were 'special guests ' in tent 5 . Obviously they are here already. Who are they though?" Alisa said
" guys meet my boyfriends band " then there was 4 boys that popped out behind the trees.
WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. Fangirling real hard and almost crying. I stood there staring at one of them. He winked at me and I suddenly fell to the ground out cold.
Bethany's POV
It was hilarious to see Ambers reaction to her seeing 1D. But tbf I don't get what she sees in Niall I'd  rather have Luke any day.  Speaking of complicated relationships I know what Jake is doing. I can clearly see he doesn't like Amber, he is just trying to take revenge on Luke for 'stealing' me. It's his fault he lost me, one day I had to go and then I came back and he didn't want me no more. In some sense mine and Jake's story is the same as Amber's and Luke's. Amber just needs to realise that Luke doesn't want her anymore. * I glanced at Luke , he was staring at Amber * At least it seems that way.
Amber's POV
I woke up from the darkness and I was on a pop up bed thing and the first thing I saw was Niall Horan's perfect beautiful angelic face ( god I have to stop with the detailed descriptions)  my cheeks started to burn up.
" you okay love?"
I tried to act cool and brush it off.
" yeah "
" you fainted just because you saw us " another voice appeared , it was Mr . Styles
" no , it was the heat , it got to me"
Everyone laughed at my responded and they went back to their own convosations.
Me and Niall just stared into each other's eyes for like 5 seconds ( get it ? :D) he went to say something but then got interrupted.
" Niall help me put up the girls tents please "
" er sure Liam" he got up and before he leaves he gave me a cheeky wink. My cheeks were red.
" I knew it" he whispered.
Once I got sorted and packed our tent received a note saying :
Dear girls,
Please arrive at the camp fire at 7pm wearing full length tops and bottoms.
What the hell ?
" I only have crop tops " I heard Jazmin moan
" that doesn't surprise me " i murmured
" what if you say ?" Jazmin came storming up to me
I sighed and turned to her " that doesn't surprise me "
" what , you little bitch just because you can't have fun with Luke doesn't mean you can let your jealousy take over you "
I just laughed. She slapped me around the cheek.
" oh you want a bitch fight ? Well sorry sister I only do real fights not little pathetic ones "
This time she started ragging my hair. Holly and Bethany ran for help , I don't know why. I grabbed her hand twisted in and pushed her to the floor and sat in her until she calms down.
About 2 minutes later everyone came in. Jake and Luke came in over dramatic with a first aid kit. It was really awkward I was sat on Jazmin holding on of her arms and in the other I was reading a fan fiction . I look pretty cool tbf.
" what are you doing ?" Liam exclaimed
" what ?" I got up and Jazmin fake cried and ran into Luke's arms. I sighed.
" nothing " I lifted my reading glasses off of my head and walked outside to the campfire because it was exactly 7:00 pm.
Everyone followed me. Jake came running up to me.
" you okay?"
" yeah why wouldn't I be ?"
" erm because you have a red handprint on your face "
" oh" I quickly turned away. He stopped grabbed by chin and moved my head so I was looking at him. He placed his lips upon my cheek as if I was a fragile  porcelain doll.
Next part of our holiday was  just a big mess ....

Bullied by Luke Hemmings [Wattys 2016]Where stories live. Discover now