Three - "So I agree...."

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I look up at the ceiling, it actually looked like a ceiling unlike the Dauntless dorms. I hadn't moved since I got back to my room, Tobias was gone doing something of his own, and I had nothing to do. Except walk around the grounds but I wasn't wanting to do that.

"Y/n!" Rapid knocking on my door made me jolt upwards. I quickly stood up and swung the door open. Tris get looking over her shoulder in a haste.

"What?" She grabbed my arm and pulled me along the hallway.

"Come on, Johanna and Marcus are meeting." I raised an eyebrow but let her continue to drag me along. I could try and trick myself into thinking that this was mine and Tris' friendship being rekindled, but I knew it wasn't. Once we stepped outside, we had to be careful. We walked on the far side of the green house, following the tree line until we were close and hidden from Johanna and Marcus. We both crouched down, silently hoping the branches covered us enough.

"...been confused about is the timing of the attack." I sigh slightly. She acknowledges that it was an attack, why did she still help them? ""Is it just that Jeanine finally finished planning it, and acted, or was there an inciting incident of some kind?" Surely it couldn't have been. We had all been fully trained, turned into soldiers. What she needed.

I watch Marcus carefully as he tightens his lips into a straight line. "Hmm." He's government, that is all he had to say?

"I suppose we'll never know." Johanna raises her eyebrow without the scar. "Will we?" My back tensed, she knew something was off. I always thought that kindness could make you stupid, but I never thought that with Johanna. She could be just as manipulative as the rest of them.

"No, perhaps not." Johanna places her hand on Marcus's arm. Tris and I lean back slightly, afraid she might catch a glimpse of us, but she continued to look at Marcus.

"But you do know. You know why she attacked when she did. I may not be Candor anymore, but I can still tell when someone is keeping the truth from me."

"Inquisitiveness is self-serving, Johanna." My eyes narrowed slightly. It wasn't when it could protect people.

"My faction depends on me to advise them, and if you know information this crucial, it is important that I know it also so that I can share it with them. I'm sure you can understand that Marcus." I leaned forward lightly. Tris placed her hand on my stomach to stop me from going too far.

"There is a reason you don't know all the things I know. A long time ago, the Abnegation were entrusted with some sensitive information," my breath hitched slightly. I looked to Tris who shrugged. "Jeanine attacked us to steal it. And if I am not careful, she will destroy it, so that is all I can tell you."

"But surely-"

"No," Marcus spoke quickly. "This information is far more important than you can imagine. Most of the leaders of this city risked their lived to protect it from Jeanine and died, and I will not jeopardize it now for the sake of sating your selfish curiosity." Johanna goes quiet. I squint my eyes to try and see through the darkness.

"I'm sorry. I must have done something to make you believe I am not trustworthy."

"The last time I trusted a faction representative with this information, all of my friends were murdered. I don't trust anyone anymore." I wanted to look down, feeling as if I was imposing on something more meaningful than information. But I couldn't, I would lose their slight outlines if I did. Johanna looked angry but it quickly faded away as she softly touched Marcus' arm again.

"In order to have peace, we must first have trust. So I hope you change your mind. Remember that I have always been your friend, Marcus, even when you did not have many to speak of." Johanna placed a light kiss to his cheek before walking away. Marcus stood for a moment, frozen. After a few seconds he starts to make his way back to the compound.

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