Ten - "Just had to say so."

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A small groan left my lips as I sat up, my legs and back aching due to sleeping on wood all night. I ran my hands through my hair as I looked around, Tobias was gone, I don't know how long he has been awake, but it was long enough for him to be out of the room. I sighed and swung my legs over the side, rubbing the back of my neck, grimacing at the feeling of sticky sweat and hair that latched onto my nape. 

I needed to have a bath. I stood up and walked over to the bathrooms, others had the same thought as me and bathed next to the sinks. Half of the women were naked, and the other half was unfazed. I turned away and walked to the sink beside Tris. I bent my head into the sink and ran the tap, gasping slightly as cold water gushed down my neck, flattening my hair. 

I pulled myself away quickly as the immense cold began to bring on a headache. I sighed as I threw my head back, ruffling my hair, I tried my best to ignore the dampness on my shirt. Even though I felt slightly cleaner now, I was still annoyed at how my clothes stuck to the sweat on my body. I looked back over to the women who were finishing up with cleaning themselves, they all had frayed towels to wrap around themselves. I looked around more to see if I could find where the towels were. 

Once I found the towels, I stood facing the corner, wrapping the towel around my waist, I held it as I unbuttoned my jeans. I kicked them off and continued to quickly strip, I pulled on the towel slightly and hummed in approval when I realised it wouldn't fall off. 

I grabbed the bar of soap and continued to ignore Tris who was talking to Susan. People really don't know how to have private conversations, do they? 

After I had washed off the soap from my body and hair, I untied the towel and lifted it up, far enough where it would reach my hair, but not too high to where anything would be exposed. I wrap the towel around me again, this time from my torso. I looked at the clothes on the ground and groaned, I didn't want to put anything dirty on again, especially since I finally felt clean for the first time in forty-eight hours. 

I look at Therese from the corner of my eye as she walks in, smoothing down her braid. Susan asked for spare clothes for her and Tris, which Therese nodded to and left for. I continued to procrastinate wearing dirty clothing, when I went to pick up the jeans I felt something hard hit the back of my head, I swung around and went to yell before I saw the shirt on the floor, Therese then proceeded to throw jeans at me. I smiled and nodded, quickly changing. 

I was somewhat wrong when I thought the bottoms were jeans, they were baggy and looked like something donated by the Abnegation. It had an elastic waistband, stopping them from falling down. I looked at the yellow shirt, obviously from Amity. I couldn't tell if it was meant to be as small as it was, but it was the only other thing I had to wear. 

I looked in the mirror and raised an eyebrow, the sweatpants with a cropped polo didn't look awful, but I couldn't wait to have it off. At least Therese is bigger than I am, meaning the polo hanged slightly more, rather than being skin-tight. 

I leave the bathroom, silently hopping I can find a jacket. I peered at a rain jacket hanging over a chair, I looked around. No one was there. Grabbing it would mean one less problem, but have I really stooped to stealing so quickly? Surely not. I turned and walked away when I noticed someone claiming the chair, and the jacket. 

I watch as a bunch of factionless walk out with paint and brushes. My eyebrow raised slightly, I went to continue to walk. "They're going to write a message to the other safe houses." I bite the inside of my cheek as I turned my head slightly towards Evelyn. "On one of the billboards. Codes formed out of personal information. So-and-so's favourite colour, someone else's childhood pet." I could feel her looking at me as she finished. I smiled slightly. 

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