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Katerina didn't mind the cold, it was always cold in the North. An icy breath of wind swirled slowly through her fur cloak and she shivered. She watched Jon Snow, Robb Stark and her brother, Theon Greyjoy, teach Bran Stark how to use a bow and arrow. Although, it wasn't going well and they mainly laughed whenever Bran missed.  He was only seven years old, he had time to learn.

The Stark girls and Jeyne Poole (Sansa Stark's best friend) were with Septa Mordane, Catelyn insisted that Katerina should join them but, she didn't feel like taking part in pointless needlework with stubborn old Septa. Even Arya Stark was begging for Katerina to go and wasn't happy that she had to practice needlework and not Katerina.

Katerina had been living with the Starks since she was four years old. Her father, Balon Greyjoy, tried to start a rebellion however it failed and Ned Stark took Katerina and her brother as captives. However it wasn't so bad, living with the Starks was fine. They treated them like family, and they got nice rooms in the castle and Theon was appointed ward of Lord Eddard.

Suddenly Arya came bursting into the courtyard with a river of tears flowing from her face.

"What has happened now?" Katerina asked.

"Stupid Sansa has to be perfect at everything especially needlework, I can't help it if my stitching isn't as good as hers! Septa Mordane expects me to be ladylike like Sansa, but I'm not!" Arya cried.

"You're going to be in trouble aren't you?" Katerina said as she cradled Arya. She always had a good relationship with Arya, Katerina liked how she was wild and different to most of the girls.

"I don't want mother to find out, please don't say anything." Arya pleaded.

"Of course I won't tell, now you need to go up into your room before your mother sees you." Katerina replied.

Arya quickly rushed off and Katerina focused her deep blue eyes on the boys. She saw how Robbs hair shon a glorious auburn colour, similar to her own, but Katerina's hair was like fire, bright and fierce. Katerina gazed at Jon, his deep brown hair was almost black and his structured face was very handsome.

Katerina and Jon were very close as they both weren't apart of the Stark family. They were also both fourteen years old. Jon was Eddard Stark's bastard, Katerina and Jon were treated the same way, they understood each other. However Katerina and Robb would often walk around the castle together and talk about whatever was on their minds, they were also close.

There weren't many girls that Katerina liked apart from the Stark girls. Jeyne Poole was nice but, she was a little boring. Katerina particularly liked Arya, Arya was brave, feisty and very opposite to Sansa. Sansa was delicate and perfect at everything womanly, she loved dresses and Sansa had a kind heart. Katerina fell somewhere in middle of these two, she had a natural talent for needlework and she was great at archery. However Katerina was never allowed to practice in the yard. She also like wearing dresses but she often stole her brother's clothes so it would be more comfortable when she practised archery in the woods. Robb Stark and sometimes Jon Snow would give her lessons to help her get skilled in archery. Arguably, she has become better than them both, but the boys refused to admit it.

The boys were still watching Bran struggle progressively with his bow. For the final time, he drew back his hand to let go of the arrow, he was very concentrated. Suddenly, an arrow came hurtling straight towards the board and it pierced the centre. Katerina looked at Bran but he still had his arrow. Where did the arrow come from? Katerina thought. She looked behind and Arya was standing there holding a bow. She giggled and Bran ran straight after her.

Soon after Bran tried to chase after Arya, the boys wondered over towards Katerina. She rolled her eyes as Theon sat next to her.

"Watching the boys of Winterfell are we sister?" Theon laughed.

"Why would you think any girl would watch you?" She challenged and her brother immediately stood up.

"Getting smart, Flame." Jon said, Flame was the boys's nickname for Katerina as her hair was as red as a flame. Sansa had acquired the nickname 'fire' to go with her copper hair. Katerina and Sansa's hair were very similar except from Katerina's flowed past her waist while Sansa's just reached below her chest.

"Maester Luwin would be proud." Katerina remarked and they all laughed.

Everyone in Winterfell were rushing around trying to get things ready for the arrival of the Royal family. Katerina didn't know why they were making the long Journey from King's Landing, but she was excited to see the King.

It was starting to get late in the day and it was getting considerably colder. Katerina thought she should get back inside. The boys were still around Robb offered to escort her back inside the castle. They walked together, arms linked, inside the warmth of the castle.

Hello anyone reading this! This is my first Game of Thrones fan fiction. If you don't know anything about Game of Thrones, I think you can still follow along. In this story I'm mixing the things that happen in the books and the TV show, which means if you haven't read the books (or haven't watched the show) there could be some changes. One example is the ages, I'm using the ages in the books so everyone is a lot younger. Feel free to comment or message me if you have any questions. Enjoy the story!!

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