The River

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The next morning Katerina's head hurted and she felt dizzy whenever she moved, she guessed it was because of the wine. Everyone had slept for many hours and breakfast wasn't served until 12:00! When she woke, Katerina had bags under her eyes and her hair was a mess. Slowly, she started to get ready for the day. However Sansa begged her to braid her hair so she couldn't get ready quickly. Also Arya was moaning about waking up so she climbed back into her bed. Quickly, Katerina slipped on a pale blue dress which was lighter than her other dresses. If they rode quick enough, they would be arriving in Kingslanding before dark; Katerina wanted to be prepared for the warm weather.

All the girls were slightly early for breakfast and only Ser Jaime Lannister and the men of the Kingsgaurd were in the hall. There was awkward eye contact between Katerina and Jaime which made Katerina feel very uncomfortable.

"Good morning girls," Jaime said with a smirk, it made Katerina roll her eyes.

"Good morning," the girls answered quietly with a small curtsey.

Katerina disliked Jaime Lannister, he seemed very vain and he was rude to her and her brother Theon. He also was having a relationship with his twin sister which made Katerina feel ill. But the worst thing was that he tried to kill Bran.

Carefully, the girls sat down at the table where they sat the night previoisly. As there as no one in the hall, they had to wait until the King arrived- and he was extremely late.

Unfortunately for Katerina, Prince Joffrey sat down next to her. She didn't want to talk to him but, she politely said hello and he didn't answer at all. They didn't speak for the whole of breakfast, which Katerina didn't mind. Everyone else was talking about King's Landing, about how excited they were to reach the city. Katerina was excited to see the people and feel the lively atmosphere. Most of all she was excited to gaze apon the Iron Throne. It was inevitable that The King would allow them to see his famous throne.

After breakfast was over, Katerina made her way back up to her room. Last minute she packed her trunk and carefully touched her beautiful moonstone necklace from Jon. She would have to write to him once they arrive in the capital. They were so far apart, when would they ever see each other again?

The royal party soon left the inn and they were heading towards the Capital. Katerina could see that they were just past riverrun, where Catelyn was born and raised. They were extremely close and it made her excited.

After some hours, it was time to give the horses a break. They stopped at a castle, South of the Trident, the royal party made themselves the univited guests of it's Lord, Ser Raymun Darry. Everyone dispersed off into different directions and Sansa and Joffrey rode of together somewhere. Arya, Katerina and Mycah were looking in the river, which was far away from the castle, for rubies.

"They say Rhaegar Targaryen's armour was smashed to pieces by Robert Baratheon's war-hammer and the rubies which made up the Targaryen sigil on his breastplate, fell into the river. People still believe they're there today." Arya said as she searched the river bed.

"Wow, Rubies." Mycah cooed as he sloshed around in the river.

"It's very unlikely that you'll find any, thieves and other people rushed to the river in order to claim the precious gemstones. The war was seventeen years ago." Katerina said as she placed one foot into the water.

"I don't care, I will find them!" Arya said stubbornly.

Arya continued to search in the river, mistaking pebbles for rubies. She was very stubborn, just like her father. The countryside was beautiful in the south. In the North snow falls even in the summer so there isn't as many beautiful flowers. The sapphire sky was spread across as far as Katerina could see; not a single blemish, not a single cloud. Katerina took off her other shoe, pulled up her dress and joined Arya in the river. The cool water swirled around her ankles and it cooled her down.

Later on the three of them moved further down the river, Arya and Mycah were playing 'swords'. In reality, they were aimlessly stabbing each other with sticks. Arya was much better than Mycah, she was even better than some of the boys back in Winterfell! Katerina was sitting by a tree watching them play as she was admiring the necklace Jon had given her. Although she missed him, she was excited see what Kingslanding would be like. Behind her, Katerina could hear the sound of horses moving quite slowly. Quickly, Katerina turned around and saw that it was Sansa and Joffrey.

"Arya?" Sansa called in disbelief while Joffrey giggled.

"Go away!" Arya yelled dropping her 'sword'.

"Who are you boy?" Joffrey called in a bellowing tone staring directly at the young lad.

"Mycah-" The boy replied nervously.

"The butcher's boy," Arya cut in.

"Pick up your sword butcher's boy." Joffrey smirked. He dismounted from his horse and paced towards the chubby lad with an evil grin.

"Leave them alone," Katerina called as she stood up moving closer to her little sister.

"Pick up your sword boy, or do you only fight with little girls?" The Prince said ignoring Katerina.

"She asked me to, she asked me to!" Mycah squeked as he was paralysed with fear.

Joffrey pulled out his sword and placed it onto Mycah's cheek, pressing slightly to make a tiny drop of blood roll down his face.

"STOP IT!" Arya shrieked.

"I won't hurt him...much, " Joffrey said as more blood streamed down Mycah's cheek.

Suddenly, Arya's direwolf, Nymeria, raced toward Joffrey and locked her jaws into his forearm. He dropped his sword and yelped in pain. Meanwhile Sansa and Katerina was screaming.

"NYMERIA!" Arya boomed and her dog Immediately dropped Joffrey's blood covered arm. "She didn't hurt you...much." Arya smirked as she picked up Joffrey's sword and held it towards him.

"Don't hurt me- I'll tell my mother!" Joffrey cowered.

"Leave him alone!" Sansa screamed.

Arya swiftly moved away and chucked Joffrey's sword in the river.

"Come on, lets go," Katerina beckoned Arya to come to her and swiftly, they left the bloody prince and Sansa alone.

Hello, I've updated the story cover because it wasn't made well and I thought it needed an update. On the new cover, the girl is Astrid Berges-Frisbey (she is the actress portraying Katerina in my story). Let me know if you like it! Enjoy the chapter- it's short but I hope you like it! Have a good day :))

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