The Goodbye

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Bran hadn't woken up, he was still lying in his bedchambers- he wasn't dead but all of the life seemed to have been drained out of him. His nameless Direwolf howled for hours outside his window, Catelyn didn't allow Bran's pet to be inside. Slowly, Catelyn was turning into a wreck. She hadn't slept in days and she never left Bran's bed. Katerina had visited Bran's room many times however, Catelyn wouldn't let her stay in there for long.

Everyone was getting ready to leave Winterfell, several dozen horses were ready to trek the long journey. Deep down Katerina was very sad that she was leaving, she'd never left the North and she didn't know when she'd be back again; Katerina also didn't know when she would see Jon again.

Katerina was walking back from the old tower, she came to say goodbye but she didn't dare to go inside. On the way back to the castle Katerina bumped into Robb.

"Hello Robb," Katerina said with a smile.

"Good morning Katerina," He replied, his icy blue eyes sparkling.

"What are you doing here?" Katerina asked with a warm smile.

"Oh well, I was just walking around and I actually was looking for you." He replied.

"Really and why were you trying to find me?" Katerina blushed.

"You see, before I was born, Septa thought I was going to be a girl and she made this hair combe. Obviously I don't wear it but, I saw it had wonderful blue sapphires on it and I thought it would like nice on you," Robb said and he flushed a prominent shade of scarlet.

"Robb, this is beautiful thank you."

"Also I thought it could be a reminder of me as yore leaving for King's Landing," Robb said slowly.

"Thank you, I'd better leave and pack my clothes trunk." Katerina said.

"I'll see you later when we all say goodbye together then," Robb said as he walked off to the tower.

Gods, that was rather strange Katerina thought. Robb had never acted that way towards Katerina before. It was very nice of him to give her something, the hair comb was beautiful. Katerina had never seen something so delicate.

Blissfully, Katerina strolled her way to her bedchambers. They were leaving very soon so Katerina had to fold all of her dresses quickly, Septa Mordane wouldn't approve of the state of her trunk. She also packed her bow and a quiver of arrows, she burrowed it at the bottom so no one would see.

There was a knock on the door and slowly it swung open. It was Theon as he walked in he said: "Hello sister, I bet you're devastated that you're leaving me."

"You wish Theon, you're secretly jealous that I'm going to the warm South and not you." Katerina replied.

"Well someone needs to stay in Winterfell, and Robb needs someone to keep him company and it sure isn't going to be Rickon."

As Theon spoke Katerina gently picked up her new hair piece from Robb. She held it up and it sparkled like the sea. Her brother noticed and raised an eyebrow.

"So Robb have you that in the end," Theon chuckled.

"What, you knew about this?" Katerina asks curiously.

"Of course I did! Robb didn't stop going on about it earlier- he was trying to find you all morning." Her brother started laughing again, obviously finding amassing thy Robb was being a gentleman.

"Well I think it was kind." Katerina replied. Theon chuckled to himself and left the room.

Once Katerina was done with her packing, she got a guard to take the trunk to the courtyard for her. While the carts were being loaded Katerina was discreetly trying to find Jon. She desperately wanted to say goodbye. As she was looking around she felt a tap on her shoulder, luckily it was Jon.

"Hello Flame," Jon said with a warm smile, it made Katerina's heart melt.

"Fancy seeing you here, Snow," she said.

"I wanted to say goodbye separately, when it was just us two." Jon said. "Also I got you something, I hope you like it."

"Snow, you didn't have to- I didn't get you anything," Katerina said as Jon handed her a small cloth. She unfolded it and inside was a necklace. It had a chain that was thin silver and the pendant was a small, round half sphere that was pure moonstone. "Jon, this is beautiful, where did you get it?"

"I had it made for you, I knew you loved moonstone and I wanted to give you something so you could have a little piece of me while you're gone." he replied.

"Thank you so much, I love it," Katerina said as she grinned.

"Here, let me put it on for you," Jon said softly. He took the necklace and put in on Katerina, it hung perfectly on her breastbone. She hugged him tightly and he embraced her in his arms. Katerina didn't want to let go.

"I'm going to miss you Snow," Katerina said looking into Jon's grey eyes.

"I'll miss you too Flame." He said continuing the gaze.

Everyone gathered to say goodbye, although Katerina had to visit Catelyn in Bran's bedchambers as she wouldn't leave his side. Majority of Winterfell had arrived to witness the departure. Katerina was excited but she was nervous at the same time, what adventure would be waiting in the South. She was glad that she had gotten the stunning presents from the boys, she was going to miss them. She was also going to miss her brother, he has stayed with her for all of her life, especially when they came to Winterfell when they were nine.

Katerina was in a carriage with Sansa, Jeyne, Arya and Septa Modane. The carriage was large and the seats were soft and covered in velvet. Arya was grinning from ear to ear, she was the most excited to leave. Sansa was also buzzing to go to Kingslanding, she was extremely in love with Prince Joffrey.

Within a few paces, the horses had left Winterfell and it was the start of the journey.

Thank you so much for 200 reads on my first chapter, Winterfell! I can't believe it, thank you so much everyone reading and voting! :P

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