Meet Jaxson "Jax" Moran

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A/N: If you haven't read "Book-One - Glass" yet, I recommend you to read it.


Jaxson Rex(Original Surname)
Jaxson Moran(After Adopted)

Ranger Color(s):
Gold (Mega Mode)
White (Super Mega Mode)

Ranger Position:
Core Member (Core Member: A member that started from the beginning)

Roll Call(s):
"Rage of the Leviathan! Megaforce Gold!"
"Horizon Power! Ultra Megaforce Gold!"
"Super Megaforce White!"

Gosei Leviathan Mechazord
Sea Brothers Zords
Ultra Leviathan Zord
Gosei Lobster Zord
Super Mega Striker Zord (Plane)

Love Interest: Troy Burrows

Short Brown Hair and Green Eyes.
Wears anything Beige & White.

Bio: Jax and Troy are finally together. Now, Jax and the other Mega Rangers, must stop the evil aliens from conquering Earth. With powers from Legendary Power Rangers.

A/N: Jaxson's Ranger Color is changed, because I'm not gonna give Jax the same power-up as the Silver Super Megaforce Ranger.

The bio is short. I know. There's really nothing for me to write for the bio.

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