Chapter Eight: Silver Lining

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[Jaxson "Jax" Moran]

Noah, Gia, Jake, Emma, Troy and I were in class. Dawn don't have any classes here.

I was wearing a white hoodie, and dark blue jeans.

"Today, I had a thought." Mr. Burley said, walking in front of the class. "Considering, everything would be true. A normal moment like driving into school, is actually quite remarkable." He said. "Not long ago, the fate of our entire world was completely uncertain, and yet despite the monumental diversity that we faced, we managed to return to a relatively normal routine."

"Yeah. Thanks to the Power Rangers." A female student said. The other students in class agreed.

"No." Troy said. "The Power Rangers played their part, but when it came to rebuilding the school. Who did that?" He asked. "Everyone here. When it came to rebuilding the rest of this city, who did that? Ordinary people just like you guys." He said. "Even if there were no Power Rangers, we would've made a stand right down to the last man." He said. He looks at me, who was sitting beside him.

I smiled and nodded.

Jake whooped, and everyone in the room applaud.


It was now the end of class, everyone packed up their things and begins to left the room.

I went over to Troy and kissed him. "You are great." I told him, smiling, after I pulled away.

Troy chuckled. "I am, aren't I?" He teased. He kissed me, and the both of us laughed a bit.

The six of us were about to leave, but our Morphers beeped. We hurried out of the classroom.


We were outside of the school, and Troy answered the Morpher.

"Gosei, Tensou, what is it?" Troy asked.

"Sorry to interrupt school, but X-Borgs are attacking the warehouse district!" Tensou said. "I've already contacted Dawn!"

"We're on it!" Troy said.


We got to the warehouse district, Dawn was also with us.

Dawn was wearing a white shirt, purple jacket, and black pants.

We saw the X-Borgs already defeated.

"Wait, what?" Gia said.

"They've been clobbered." Jake said.

"What happened here?" Noah asked. "Who took these guys down?" He asked.

"No idea." Dawn said.

Troy's Morpher beeped again. He answered it.

"Rangers! Another attack, more X-Borgs downtown!" Tensou said.

"We'll find out next time." I said.

"Come on!" Troy said.

We ran towards downtown.


We got to downtown, and the X-Borgs are already defeated.

"Again?" Emma asked.

"What is going of here?" Jake asked.

"Who is doing this?" Gia asked.

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