Chapter One: Super Megaforce

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Troy and I got back to the base, and everyone sighs in relief.

"Dude, it's just like your first day of school. You're late, but you know how to make an entrance." Jake said to Troy. "I'm glad the both of you are safe." Gia said, as she hugs me.

"We've been searching for Robo Knight." I said. "Can you locate him?" Troy asked.

"I'm sorry, Troy, Jax. I cannot. The armada has affected our communication systems. But I know, we will beat this new enemy, because of your fighting spirits.

It is finally time for you to tap into the power that line these walls of this Command Centre." Goseis said.

Morphers appeared in front of us, and Ranger keys on our hand. "These will be your new Morphers. With these and your new Ranger keys, you will be able to unlock your Super Megaforce Mode." Gosei said.

"A mode even stronger than Ultra Mode? Incredible." Troy said. "Amazing." I said.

"That's not all. The figures that line this Command Centre, are actually keys to unlocking extraordinary powers. By using them in your new Morphers, you will gain access to legendary mode.

Where you can tap in to the special powers, all the Rangers preceded in. But, it will challenge your strength every time, you Morph into a Power Rangers." Gosei said.

"Nothing we ever do is easy. But, we'll take the challenge." Noah said. Gia nodded. "Wow, we can really use all these powers?" Emma asked. "The aliens are in for a big surprise." Gia said.

"Um. Am I really the only one, who notices my key is the wrong color?" Jake asked, as he held his Green Ranger Key. "Hey, mine's different too." I said, as I held my White Ranger Key.

"Jake, Jax, there's a simple explanation for that." Gosei said.

Before, Gosei can say anything. The base starts to shake.

"They almost hit the Command Centre!" Tensou exclaimed. "Go, Rangers! Put your new Powers to use!" Gosei said.

All of us rushed out of the base.


All of us arrived at the location.

"Mega Blaster!" Troy and I shouted, as we fired at Headridge.

"The Rangers! At last, a real fight!" Headridge said.

"We're out-numbered!" Emma said.

"That's never stopped us before, and it won't now!" Noah said.

"Come and meet your doom!" Headridge said.

"We better go Ultra Mode!" Gia said.

"No, not Ultra!" I said.

"Super Mega! Let's power up!" Troy said.

"Super Mega Mode!" All of us shouted, as we placed our Ranger Keys into our Morphers.

"Super Megaforce Ready!" All of us shouted, as we Morph.

"Super Mega Blaster!" Troy and I shouted, as we fired at Headridge

"All of you, get some place safe!" Emma told the civilians.

All of us begin fighting.

I fired at some of the X-Borgs, and slashed them with my Super Mega Saber.

Noah and Troy switched weapons.

Gia and Emma switched weapons as well.

"Troy! Let's switch weapons!" I said.

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