Chapter Seven: Samurai to Mega

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Narrator POV

It was another day in Harwood County, and the Rangers were in Ernie's BrainFreeze enjoying their rest. At that time, a new guy just arrived at Harwood County, but he might not be new after all.

Dawn POV

It's so exciting to be in Harwood County.

Maybe I should go to the froyo shop, that Gabe suggested. It's funny because, he never tried it. He was only there with Jayden and Mentor Ji, to help the new Rangers.

Oh! How rude of me. Let me introduce myself. Hi! I'm Dawn Anderson. You might be wondering how I know about them, and the Samurai Rangers. That's because I was a Samurai Ranger.

Hehe, you might be asking what my Ranger Color is? Well, you'll know soon. Plus, I left my Morpher and FoldingZord back home.

Anyway, let's be real. I'm here on a break. I mean sure I love my home, and my cousin, I'm Gabe's cousin. But, I felt like after defeating Xandred, that there's nothing else to do.

So here I am.


I arrived at Ernie's BrainFreeze, and what do you know. The Megaforce Rangers are here, they seem to be enjoying their break. I don't blame them, back when I was still a Ranger it's hard to get a break.

I walked towards the counter, and a guy who I think is the owner of the store. Came over to ask my order, what I didn't see is that Jax, was also next to me asking for his order.

"What would you like?" Ernie asks.

"Strawberry Smoothie." Jax and I said, then we look at each other.

"Two Strawberry Smoothie, coming right up." Ernie said, and he went to the back.

"Hi, you must be new here." Jax said. He extend his hand towards me. "I'm Jax."

"Dawn." I said, as I shook his hand.

Jax squinted his eyes. "You look familiar." He said. "Should I know you?"

I shrugged. "That depends, although I'm not anyone important." I said. "I'm new here."

"Cool. Where are you from?" Jax asks.

"I'm from-" As I was about to tell him I'm from Panorama City, suddenly his Morpher beeped.

"Jax!" Troy called, as him and the others Rangers stood up from their seat, and went outside.

"Sorry, gotta go!" Jax said, and he went after them.

"Bye." I said, as I wave at him. I sigh. "Man, I sure miss being a Ranger." I said.

Suddenly I was teleported away from where I was.

3rd POV

"Here's your Strawberry Smoothies." Ernie said, as he appears from behind the counter, and saw no one. "Where did they go?" He questions.


Dawn appeared in a cave, which he know where he was.

"Dawn Anderson." Gosei called, and Dawn look over to him. "The Seventh Samurai Ranger." He said.

"At your service." Dawn said. "You must be Gosei." He said.

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