Chapter Three: Blue Saber Saga

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A/N: This Tribute Chapter is Mystic Force.

Also, can I just say. I'm a bit annoyed that this is a tribute episode for Mystic Force, but they didn't Morph into a Mystic Force Ranger.


Jake, Gia, Troy and I arrived, where Emma and Noah are.

"You guys, okay?" Troy asked.

Emma and Noah nodded.

"Let's do this!" I said.

"It's Morphin' Time!" Troy shouted.

"Go Go Megaforce!" All of us shouted, as we Morphed.

"I'll still get you, Blue Ranger!" Skatana said.

"No you won't!" I said.

"Let's power up!" Troy said.

"Super Mega Mode!" All of us shouted, as we Morph into Super Mega Mode.

"Attack! But, leave Blue to me!" Skatana ordered.

"You got this guy, Noah?" Troy asked.

"No problem!" Noah said.

All of us begin fighting the X-Borgs.

"Who's hiding behind back up? It won't keep you safe for long!" Noah said, as he went after Skatana.

All of us were still fighting the X-Borgs.

"Keep fighting guys!" Troy said.

"We gotta defeat all of these X-Borgs, so we can go help Noah!" I said.

"Seriously, Noah's good. But, that guy can cut through buildings! No one should face that alone!" Jake said.

Emma and Gia switched weapons, and continue attacking the X-Borgs.

All of us continue attacking the X-Brogs.

"Nice, guys! Now let's finish this to get to Noah!" Troy said.


We arrived to where Noah and Skatana are.

"Giving up, so soon?" Skatana questioned.

"Back off, monster!" Troy said.

"Not you pest again! I'll destroy you later, when it's your turn!" Skatana said.

"Yeah! And next time, you'll be up against all six of us!" Gia said.

"No, just one!" Skatana said.

"What are you talking about?" Jake questioned.

"We will finish our duel, Blue! And it'll be over already, if not for your friends! Don't worry, they'll pay for heir intrusion, once I'm done with you! Meet me on the beach tomorrow! I hope you'll be more of a challenge, than you were today!" Skatana said, as he left.

The rest of us de-morphed.

"I gotta go after him!" Noah said, as he stood up. "You need to ignore him." I said. "He's playing with your mind." Troy said. "He's got a point. I need to prove, I can beat this guy." Noah said.

"Noah, don't be ridiculous. We're a team." Jake said. "I'll see you guys, later." Noah said, as he left.


Jake, Gia, Troy and I were on the Sky Ship, and we fired at Skatana.

"What?!" Skatana exclaimed.

We landed on the ground.

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