Chapter Two: Earth Fights Back

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Troy and I were at the beach. The both of us walks over to where we last saw Robo Knight. "Robo Knight, where did you go? I swear, I'll find you." Troy said. "We'll find him." I said.


Troy and I are now walking by a warehouse. The both of us heard noises, and saw a bunch of X-Borgs and a monster. "Quick, hide." Troy said, as we hid behind a wall.

The monster and X-Borgs went into the warehouse. Troy and I went towards a window, and sneak into the building.

Troy and I hid behind an object. The monster press on a button, and we saw a missile. Troy and I get close to it.

"Your highness, the missiles are ready. I'm about to activate them." Cybax said. Cybax pressed on a button, and the missiles went underground.

"Don't worry, Sire. Tonight, the missiles will fire across the globe." Cybax said. "Two hours 'till launch." The system said.

"This is not good." I said.

Suddenly mine and Troy's Morphers beeped.

"Who's there?" Cybax said, as he fired at us.

The both of us fell in front.

"Well, well, we have some uninvited visitors!" Cybax said.

"Get them!" Cybax ordered, and the X-Borgs went after us.

We begin fighting the X-Borgs.

"We need to Morph!" I said.

"It's Morphin' Time!" Troy and I shouted, as we grabbed our Morphers, and dodged Cybax's attacks.

"Go Go Megaforce!" Troy and I shouted, as we Morphed, into our Megaforce Mode.

The both of us continued fighting the X-Borgs.

"Guys!" Troy and I called, as we grabbed our Morphers.

Cybax fired at us, we fell, and dropped our Morphers.

"Don't bother calling your friends! It's too late! The earth is doomed!" Cybax said.

"Not if we can help it!" Troy and I said, as we grabbed our Morphers, and hide behind a wall.

"Tensou!" I called.

"Send back up, we have a missile crisis!" Troy said.

"Right away!" Tensou said.


Troy and I kicked Cybax, and he fell.

Cybax tried to fire at us, but he fired at the ceiling, making the ceiling collapse.

"Timing is everything, and your time is up!" Cybax said.

Troy and I saw the console being guarded.

"We've got to get to that launcher!" Troy said.

"We got to do it fast!" I said.


"Keep guarding that console! This plan must go on without a hitch!" Cybax said.

"20 minutes 'till launch!" The console said.

"We're almost running out of time!" Troy said.

"We gotta hurry!" I said.

Troy and I went towards the console, and attacked the X-Borgs, using our Dragon Sword and Leviathan Scythe.

"We sure could use some back up right now!" Troy said.

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