Chapter 5

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I pulled out my makeup bag from my purse and we continued to talk about the plan he came up with. Talking with him was so natural, and he was making me feel alot better.

For right now, Im listening to my heart and not my head.


Lalo and I walked back into the club and I immediately met eyes with Alisha. She looked crazy worried. "Y/N I've been looking for you!"

She glanced at Lalo and looked more concerned, looking back to me for some kind of explanation.

"Don't worry Alisha everything's good. How was your little chat with the bartender?" I nudged her arm.

Her expression changed to slight emberassment and she rolled her eyes. "Don't worry about it."

How stubborn. Well, that's Alisha for you.

"Y/N we should go get a drink." Lalo whispered at my ear. There was really no reason to whisper, especially with how loud it is. I know what he's trying to do.

I nodded and we walked over to the bar, but Alisha refused to follow. I shot her a look of confusion and she waved me on and walked to the dance floor. Probably trying to watch what she drinks so we don't end up in another predicament.

Lalo's plan rang in my mind. It would redeem these feelings I've had towards Combo since highschool. My heart could finally be at peace having a little revenge, and the kind that didn't go against my morals. Just a little foul play. It was too perfect and Lalo thought of it effortlessly.

He flashed a smile at me and asked what I wanted.

"I'll get whatever you're getting."

"You sure?" He chuckled.

I've been drinking since I was fifteen, I doubt his drink would be too strong for my taste.

He sighed out an alright and we started to converse as the bartender made our drinks.

"I'm under the impression you know alot about me." I stared into his eyes and watched his face as it changed to amusement. "But I don't know much about you."

"Whaddya wanna know?"

The bartender slid us our drinks and Lalo drank it in two sips, literally.

In his moments of contemplation on what information he wanted to share with me, I observed him. He wasn't a man of wandering eyes, but of focus. It would be hard not to notice this because if he's talking to you he's staring right into your soul. Many would find this intimidating, but I didn't mind it, I suppose because that's how you talk to people anyways.

"Your eyes are just gorgeous, has anyone ever told you that?" He continued to peer into my eyes, but this time I looked away. "Ok Y/N. So you want to know some stuff about your future husband." His hand found it's way to mine. Ugh, he's taking advantage of my need for him tonight.

"Right." I fiddled with the bracelet on his hand. "So tell me then."

It surprised me how he didn't look shocked in the least towards me going along with his flirting. Out in the world when he's not following me around, he's definitely a player.

"I'm not from here. Mexico is my home. I'm only here for business, I wasn't planning on staying long. I actually was scheduled to leave last week..." His voice trailed lower and he got closer to my face. "But you know why I stayed."

I felt blood flush to my cheeks.

In the same moments, Alisha patted me on the shoulder. "Come on guys let's dance!"

I'm really not a dancer but I could be after this drink. I gulped my last few sips and made it over to the dance floor with my pretend boyfriend and now best friend. Time to put the plan to action.

Combo peeked at us through the other partygoers. Perfect.

"My shifts over!" Someone yelled. The bartender hustled over to Alisha and asked to dance. Her face lit up and they started to live up the night.

Lalo and I began to dance, he guided my movements in a traditional Latin dance. We both laughed as I struggled to keep up with him and stumbled a little through the intense stepping and hip shaking. This is the first time I've really enjoyed myself in awhile. And of course, for some reason it was with him.

He lifted me by the waist and then we did a twist and I dipped in his arms. We both just couldn't contain our laughter and we fell over. It was ridiculously romantic. For a second the attention was all on us, and we stared in each other's eyes, ignoring the looks of those around us.

"We should get another drink." He stood up and put his hand out for me.

Almost like from a Disney movie.

Alisha looked at me heartily and followed us with her date.

"Bartender! I'd like to buy a round of shots for the club!" Lalo yelled over to the bartender.

"You're aware that would be most likely two hundred thousand dollars or more?" The bartender looked at him sheepishly as if she's seen many guys trying to impress their girl do this move.

"I'm aware." Lalo smirked to her and I felt a little jealous. But why? He turned back to me and raised his eyebrows. "One condition though."

The now starry eyed bartender looked to Lalo with amazement. "What would that be?"

"A round of shots for everyone in the club except him." Lalo pointed behind me, I turned my head to see Combo.

"Are you fucking kidding me what is that shit? You can't do that!"

"Watch me." Lalo dramatically kissed me and Combo stood there and watched. Seeing the slight sadness on his face was everything to me. I kissed Lalo back, with the illusion of passion to really dig into Combos skin.

"Fuck you Y/N, you slut!" He raised his fist to punch me and I squinted my eyes shut and heard a loud thud.

While still kissing me, Lalo knocked him out cold. Damn.

Security lifted him out and I felt empowered. He got exactly what he deserved.

Lalo and I locked eyes. In this moment, I realized I've never felt such raw emotion towards someone. Not even when being kidnapped did the fear feel as extreme as what I'm feeling now. I think.. I love him.

I cringed a little at the thought. How strong was what we drank earlier?

The bartender made a round for everyone and announced Lalo's gesture to the club. Everyone cheered and patted him on the back, he just assured everyone it was no problem.

He is the embodiment of masculinity, he's charming, smart, intimidating...He's going to be the death of me.


I talked to my boyfriend and he said "GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!" So he is the reason I have provided you all with another chapter! 😂

I really enjoy writing the story so since I know it wont effect him I will continue.

Also since season 6 of BCS has come out I figured my story would become more popular, so I definitely want to keep up with my writing.

I love you all thanks for the support 😘😁!

Word Count: 1221


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