Chapter 7

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While gathering my jacket and purse, John came back and looked sad. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No.. I just don't think this will work out." I said through gritted teeth. Who the fuck does Lalo think he is? To come and ruin something that could have been so good for me. At this point I obviously will be toyed with until I die. I absolutely will not let this be the rest of my life.

The car ride home was not smooth, and everyone within mile range was blessed to not be hit by my car today.

I opened my apartment door and saw him on my couch, layed back watching tv and eating my food. I couldn't take it anymore.


"Yes love?"

"You have 1 minute to get out of my house, before I kill you." Kill him? Yeah right, but what the hell else could I say to intimidate him?

"I think you would like this show. Sit down with me."

A person can only handle so much. I screamed curses at him until I didn't know what I was talking about anymore.

    "Why can't you just leave me alone." The desperation in my voice was not something I wanted him to hear. Tears fell so hard I couldn't stand anymore and I was knocked down to my hands and knees.

Being at such a loss of control for my own life was dehumanizing.

I was crying so hard I didn't hear him walk over to me. "Theres no need to cry." He swiftly picked me up bridal style and brought me over to the couch.

"Women are so confusing. We have so many good moments together, and yet you refuse to just say how you really feel about me."

"I hate you."

"That's not true and we both know it." Lalo wrapped me in a blanket and stroked my hair. "I'm not against you, let me be here for you."

As wrong as it was, I haven't felt this comforted in years.

"I love you Y/N."

    He can say whatever he wants. Im too tired for this. His efforts of continuing the conversation was ignored, so he went silent and rested his head on mine.

    "Do you want to know what happened the night of your party?"

    As much as I wanted to ignore him the curiosity of what went down that night overrode my pride. "Tell me."


Lalos POV

Coming to one of my distributors parties was a new low for me. But that's been life lately.

    Dealing with these loca woman, filling in my feelings with these temporary things... I could feel myself just in search of something new in any opportunity.

    So that's what lead me to Alisha's party. My youngest distributor. I was told it would be a good time, and in all honesty I know she only invited me for some type of promotion, but I didn't care.

    I knocked on the door of the apartment. Didn't really seem like a great place for a party, so i'm assuming not too many people would be here.

    A young woman opened the door with a huge smile and moved to the side to let me in. She was gorgeous. I envisioned for a minute a life with her as my girl.

    Nah, im just looking too deep into it. How many gorgeous woman have I thought that towards before? Perras Locas...

    I scanned the room to see 6 guys and 5 women total.

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