Chapter 10 ~ Distant Memories

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Hello my lovely viewers, I'm sorry my update schedule is shit. I promise I'll work that out soon enough! Now, no more time to waste. Onto chapter 10!!


**Valentine's POV**

It feels strange.. knowing that the whole time, my "family" was never my family at all. Even if I felt they were different from me.. I couldn't help but put those thoughts aside. Was I in a rogue pack? Maybe I don't really exist right now and this is all a crazy dream... But I doubt that. I was able to feel pain, so this must be real.

"Brandon.. tell me what happened to us. To our parents. To me.." I asked. hoping he would be able to tell me everything. He sighs and sits down on the couch. Patting the seat next to him, I sit as well.

Taking a deep breath, he began.. "I was 6 at the time.. and you were just born......."

*FLASHBACK in Brandons POV*

"One more push Riley!" I heard my father yell

My mother screamed, then there was a faint cry. I strained my ears so I can hear better.

"She's beautiful.. Oh Riley, I think we'll name her Valentine." Father whispered. I could hear my mothers musical laughter, then coughing.

"Oh dear.. I think.." She paused. Her heavy breathing filled the room. Someone rushed to her bed, which I assume to be my father.

"Riley.. Rest now my love. I'll send Brandon in to meet his lovely sister." He told her, Worry laced through his voice.

I scrambled to my room, waiting for my father to call me in to see her. Hearing the footsteps of my father, I ran to the door and opened it. He looked at me with teary eyes. Kneeling to my level, he enclosed me in a hug.

"Father? What's the matter?" I questioned. He pulled away and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Brandon.. You do understand life and death, Yes?" He asked. I nodded in response.

"Well, my boy.. Your mother isn't doing very well.. You see it took everything to get your little sister out.. and your mom lost a lot of blood. I fear she doesn't have long to live. I want you to go see her. It will make her happy." He told me. I understood everything and yet.... I didn't cry. I knew everyone was bound to die someday. And I thought it was mothers time.

Walking down the hall, I opened the door to my mothers room. Quietly walking towards my mother, I seen how pale and deathly looking she was. I sighed and jumped up on the bed. Snuggling close to her, I noticed Valentine in her arms sleeping peacefully. Bringing my hand up to my sisters soft face, I caressed her cheek.

Her eyes opened, and they were different colors. I was shocked. The left was gold, and the right was purple. It was beautiful. But when she blinked, they were gone. They changed to a pale purple, with golden specs. I smiled and she cooed.

I looked at my mom once more. Noticing her chest wasn't moving, I put my hand under her nose. Nothing. I felt nothing. Hugging her tightly, I took Valentine from her arms.

"Father! Father come quick!" I yelled. hearing no response, I walked down the hall with Val in my arms fast asleep.

Opening the door to my room, I put Valentine on my bed. Leaving her to nap, I searched for my father. Sniffing the air, I caught scent of something awful. I ran to his room to find a man hovering over my fathers body. My eyes widened, and I took a step back.

"B-brandon! Go! S-save Val! Hurry!! Ru-" He screamed before the man snapped his neck. Running out of his room, I rushed to Valentine. Opening my door, I found nothing. She was gone. They took her.

I opened my nightstand drawer and grabbed Val's amulet my parents got for her. As soon as I grabbed it, I bolted out of the door. Running downstairs and out the main entrance, I dashed for the forest.

After a week of being out in the woods all alone, I finally came across a pack territory. Smiling, I ran towards the pack house, growing weaker every step, I collapsed in front of the stairs. Breathing heavily, I seen a man rush outside. From the powerful aura I could sense, he was the Alpha.

"Help.. me.." Was all I muttered before I blacked out...

*FLASHBACK over, back to Valentines POV*

When Brandon finished telling me the story, I was clenching my fists. Those bastards are going to pay for killing father. I'll make them pay.

"Valentine.. You weren't the one who killed mom either.." He whispered. Freezing, I looked at him.

"W-what do you mean..?" I asked cautiously.

"She was poisoned. They killed her along with dad. They were trying to kill you too, but since you were born they just took you. I couldn't stop them... I couldn't save anyone." He said with a shaky voice. I hugged him tightly.

"Brandon. I'm here now. It's ok. there was no way for you to save mom or dad. It isn't your fault" I soothed him. Though it is true he couldn't save him, I didn't care. I love my real parents and all... But I never knew them. I can't blame my brother for their deaths. He was only 6.

Thinking about everything, I start to wonder if the pack I left was the pack that killed my family. It doesn't matter. I'll revenge my parents. I won't let anyone stop me either.

And so my great journey begins... I will learn to control my powers. and I'll gain new ones. I'm going to become stronger.

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