Chapter 12 ~ Attacked

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Hello my beautiful friends!! I'm soooooo sorry I was gone for so long ;-; I've just been going through a lot lately and need some time to myself. I'm back in school and doing a lot better. I'll try to update as much as possible, for the few readers I have.

Just please try to understand that school is very stressful, especially in 10th grade where everyone expects you to know what collage to go to, what you wanna be when you're older. I still haven't figured out my future yet, but for the time being I will continue living my life in the moment.

Thanks for understanding, and please enjoy this chapter! Also, excuse my grammar errors, If I miss some, I'll try to fix them ASAP!!


Chapter 12 ~ Attacked

Valentines P.O.V

"w-whats going on.." I questioned, looking around and noticing I was in a forest.

I stood up a began running, branches reached out to me, and scratched my arm until I fell into darkness.

"Val.....en....tine......" A faint, pained voice spoke. Trying to swallow the lump in my throat, I answered the strange voice.

"Yes... that's me..W-who are you? Where are you?" I said quietly. There was an echoing laugh that surrounded me. I frantically looked around, trying to find the source but it was no good.

"Oh Valentine... Being rare has its benefits... but it also has its downfalls..." The voice said, becoming louder.

"What are you talking about?" I asked the voice that terrified me, yet also sparked my curiosity.

"Time will tell you... Until then... Be careful" The voice started to fade with every word, until I no longer felt its presence.

My eyes shot open and I sat up in my bed. I was panting, sweating, and confused.

"What just happened to me.. I-it was all a dream.. It felt so real.." I whispered slowly. I looked down at my right arm where the branches of trees had scratched me in my dream, and they were there. My eyes widened, and I began to panic.

I got out of bed and sprinted into the bathroom. Turning the water in the sink on, I grabbed a wash cloth and damped it with cold water. gently running the cloth over the bleeding wounds, I winced at how painful it actually was.

After a few minutes of washing the blood away, I threw the towel into the dirty hamper and looked into the mirror. My face was pale, I had bags under my eyes, and my violet eyes were dull and lifeless.

I sighed and walked into my room. Looking at the time, It read 4:00am. Unable to sleep again, I threw on some sweat pants, a black tank top and white hoodie. I grabbed my boots and quietly walked down stairs.

Opening the front door of the pack house, I made my way to the woods.

"Val.... I've got a bad feeling about this.." my wolf, Lillian spoke up

"What's wrong? I need to clear my mind, let me jog and I'll go back inside before you know it!!" I told her.

When I made it into the forest, I found a path and began jogging. My mind raced with everything that has happened to me in the last few months.

After jogging for what seemed to be an hour, I sat down next to a tree and rested my aching body on it. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes. I need to find a way to get Jason away from here.. He could hurt the pack.. or worse... He could start a war! He might get the rogues involved and could hurt everyone! I didn't want that! Hell I'd rather run away again than let that happen!

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