chapter 17!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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as soon as we entered the studio i tackled by someone suffocating me a hug.


i giggled hugging her tightly back.

she grinned pulling away. 'god ive missed you'

i rolled my eyes playfully. 'its only been a few weeks'

she nodded. 'yeh well when you're stuck in a studio for weeks on end with 7 men, you start missing girl time'

i giggled as quincy turned around and raised an eyebrow. 'we're not that bad'

siedah rolled her eyes playfully, 'yeh tell that to the amount of farts an
d burps ive had to listen too'

the men in the room echoed with laughed making me chuckle.

i gave each one a hug; Bill, John, Matt, Quincy.

I purposely missed out Brian, remembering what an absoloute knob he was to me the last couple of times id come here.

I sat down with siedah on the sofa as quincy spun around in his chair to face me, smirking. 'so, do you have any idea why michaels got such a smug smile on his face?'

i looked over to mike to his he was literally bursting with energy and ideas.

i grinned and sighed, already feeling embaressed by what i was going say. 'Michael has got into his head that i can apparently 'sing''

siedah turned to me a bit shocked. 'wait, gurl you can sing? why didnt you tell me?!'

i shook my head smiling. 'no i can't-'

i was quickly interuppted by michael. 'yes, yes she can'

i shot him daggers from across the room, only for him to reply by sticking his tounger out at me.

quincy look geuinly interested, looking at michael. 'so, whats the vocal range?'

michael bit his lip. 'well i dont really know, i'm only going off what i heard he singing in the kitchen'

quincy nodded. 'and you heard potential?'

michael nodded seriously, a seriousness i'd never seen before. 'a lot'

i rolled my eyes playfully. 'he's over exagerating'

michael chuckled. 'no im not! shes just being modest'

brian held up his hands silencing everyone, a confused and annoyed expression on his face. 'wait, we're waisting precious studio time on a theory that she' he pointed to me. 'might be able to sing, just because 1 person over heard them in the kitchen?'

quincy crossed his arms. 'well, when that 'one person' is a multi platinum selling recording artist, has the best selling album of all time and broke the record for most won grammys won in a night, i think we can trust his 'theory''

i sat that in shock.

Go quincy.

i couldnt help but smirk at brians stunned face as brian, matt and billie all started making 'ooing' sounds and clapping.

I could tell michael was enjoying it too by the way he was chuckling; he started to quiet everyone down. 'well lets put my theory to the test'

he turned to me. 'babe?' ; gesturing for me to enter the sound booth.

i could feel my hands starting to sweat and my heart rate increasing at the thought of singing infront of othe people.

i stood up and siedah slapped me on the ass. 'go get it girl'

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