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"So what are we going to do?" Asks jude. We sit at a back table jotting and sketching ideas for our set.

" Maybe we could do the red roses? Or the doors?" Suggests joel. I shrug looking around at the other groups.

" Lets do the doors... Thats probably simple enough yet will look cool... " says a girl named riley. I raise my eyebrows at joel and he reddens with embarassment.

" Okay so not the doors..." He says. I start to write my idea down.

We could do the rabit hole because you can go anywhere with that... really its just a metaphore of alice's thoughts so we could make it whatever we think she thinks... It.could be super.dark or.bright and cheery or both.... Yay or nay?

I pass the note over to the boys. The both nod in unision.

" wow this is actually really good addison..." Comments joel.

" its not too hard though, is it? " asks jude. I shake my head no. It will be pretty simple.
" okay, the rabbit hole it is."

The bell rings and i remember mrs. Chubbynubbins wanted to talk to me. I grab my books and walk over to her desk. As she looks up at me she smiles.

" The last assignment darling was to draw the person next to you and define the feature you love the most. Now everyone did that," she says, showing me others' drawings. " except you." She shows me mine.

" Now its quite a lovely drawing. Amazing actually. But you didnt do what was asked. May I ask why?" I shrug. " No addison, you will tell me why." She says as she hands me a piece of paper and pen. I scowl but start writing.

You shouldnt like a person for theIr phisiques. And i dont like joel for his physiques. I like his character/ personality.

Mrs. Chubbynubbins smiles at my answer and pulls me in for a hug. I stay stiff.

" That is the perfect answer Addison. Im so proud of you. If you had said you simply didnt feel like it or didnt have time then thats another story. But you are something my darling. I've decided yours and joel's drawings will be featured in the regional art show this weekend. Only if thats okay with you. Joel has ready said yes. So its up to you" I shrug again, uncaring and she claps her hands.

" Yay Alright this is fantastic!" I clear my throat. " oh right! you're free to go sweetcheeks." She says. I cringe at sweetcheeks. I basically run out of her class and head for my locker.

The school is.mostly deserted except for a few lingering students and teachers. I throw my homework into my backpack and lock my locker. I walk out the front doors and see Jude and Joel disputing as they walk. I quickly and quietly follow them. I eavesdrop easily.

" why the heck were you acting so jealous? I was just doing my job, something you clearly haven't been doing." Jude remarks. My thoughts are everywhere as i listen.

" I have been doing my job! Im just not as obvious as you!" Joel yells. Jude smirks.

" Does little joel have a crush on the mute girl..." Jude teases. My eyes widen as Joel blushes perfusely.

" No i dont... Shes just not as stupid as i thought she'd be..."

" Yea i noticed... Shes a straight A student..." Jude grumbles. They walk away, towards the starbucks and i walk home, trying to fit these new pieces to the grand puzzle.

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