Chapter 10

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I was going to have to move into the master bedroom. It wasn't that I needed to be closer to the better bathroom, although that would be nice, but I needed the bed space. Snuggling up with Lazuli all night was just as magical as I expected, and yet I woke up sore as I somehow wound up pressed against the wall and almost slipping down into the crack next to the bed. Therefore, I needed the bigger bed in the master bedroom. In fact, I'd have to replace even that larger queen bed with a king if I was going to continue to share a bed with Lazuli.

Which I was very much planning on doing.

Add a king-sized bed to the shopping list!

You know how in movies and on tv shows, the actresses always wake up gorgeous and as if they already had hair and make up done? I didn't do that. I tend to wake up like a zombie and need a few minutes to even understand that I'm awake. But not Lazuli and Amber. Lazuli looked like she woke up on the cover of a magazine spread, and then when Amber came into the bedroom from the other guest room she looked as though she had been awake for hours and taken a shower and downed a pot of coffee. And they both always smell like their flowers! Okay, that one is a pass since they were born from them after all, but it still isn't fair!

I assumed it was a fairy thing, but it made me quite jealous.

Nonetheless I struggled out of the bed, zombie walked my way down the stairs and then stood under the water in the master shower for a good 15 minutes before I even started doing the whole washing, shaving, exfoliating thing. Once I was done, I felt human and ready to take on the day, even if it was cold. If yesterday was about coming to terms with the reality of what was going on in the world without my knowing, then hopefully today would be about starting to get my new life in order and organized.

And shopping for a party!

Breakfast was cereal, which Amber and Lazuli both tried with interest, though it was too sweet for them. I can't blame them, the cereal I bought was way too sugary and they probably ate much healthier. I was going to have to plan on better food for the fairies, and probably me too. Or at least healthier. How hard could it be to learn to cook? There should be a ton of videos online, right?

Oh! Maybe this was something I could do with Lazuli to make new memories!

"Lazuli, what kind of food do you like?" I asked her as we examined the house for items to use for the party. So far, we'd found a decent amount of wood in the garage next to the Jeep Grand Cherokee that I kept forgetting was part of the house, as well as 4 bottles of wine, and partially full bottles of rum, whiskey, and cognac. I couldn't do too much more about the liquor, as I had never been one to get a fake ID, but food I could do.

"I like almost everything Cristyn. I normally don't eat too much, so I would just have a little of whatever you'd like to make," she replied with a sweet smile.

Well, that didn't give me any ideas on what to learn first. Shit. I knew she was just trying to not worry me about making anything to suit her needs, but I was hoping for a few suggestions. I pulled out my phone and just searched up easy cooking recipes and was flooded with ideas. That looks much easier! Flipping through of them, I saw some that didn't look too hard, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, who's ready to go out shopping?" I asked Amber and Lazuli.

They both shared a look and then shrugged. "I think we're ready!" Lazuli finally said with a smile. They were both wearing a pair of my sweats and a tee shirt, which exhausted the clean clothes that I had brought with me, and jackets that were left in the front closet. We were as ready as we could be!

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