Chapter 19

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By the time we returned to the fun on the patio, several hours had passed, and I had to help Lazuli walk with an arm around her waist before setting her on my lap in the chair. All the other fairies greeted us warmly, but Elle had to look away blushing as Ada whispered something into her ear. I could only smirk, I was happy with the way Lazuli had responded to me, and I could only hope to do it again once she regained her strength. Hell, I was hoping she'd make me that weak some time too!

It was leftover night on the fire pits. We had one oven rack set up for burgers, and then the other two fires were being used for a combination of sausages and hot dogs. I knew marshmallows would be coming next, but for now I was just enjoying the chill of the evening and the feel of Lazuli snuggled up into me.

"I don't think I've properly thanked you for what you did to me. For me," she whispered in a tired murmur against my neck.

I leaned down, kissing her temple and pulled her close. "Why on earth would you thank me for something that I got as much pleasure from as you?" I wondered. "Believe me, I'd do that daily and consider myself the luckiest of women! I should be thanking you for being a delicious snack!"

And now Lazuli was the one blushing, and giggling. She was too adorable!

Considering the night had started full of worry over the new fairies, the time spent with my lovely fairy upstairs had renewed my spirit and filled me with a hope that I could be an equal partner in the upcoming fight, even if I didn't know how yet. But I was determined to find a way. Lazuli would never have to fight without me at her side. I was ready to be her partner. Things were going to be fine.

My new little family was going to be fine. We were going to stand together as one.

A hush fell over the patio as 4 strangers walk out of the trees. With everything that had been happening, and the strange fairy sightings, I wasn't all that shocked.

Everything had just fallen into place, so we were due for something crazy.

All of them were male, and gigantic. Not just tall, but with muscles all over. It was like 4 pro MMA fighters just decided to come for a visit. Oh, and they were wearing nothing except for little loincloths made of what I thought might be squirrel fur while walking around barefoot in the middle of winter. They weren't even shivering. Who does that? Even their wings were different, all black and leathery, though still dragonfly shaped. All the fairies flying around scattered from them, and they looked around the patio in disdain and openly sneering at both Elle and me.

Amantha stood up glaring at them. "What is the meaning of this? Who are you?"

Lazuli, Ada, and Amber stood up alongside her, though I noticed that Lazuli took one step to the left to give a little distance between her and the others. The sight of them must have given her a boost of energy as she didn't look tired at all anymore. I wasn't sure what to make of that, but I was happy to be protected even if I was feeling guilty for needing it. I was going to find weapons for sure.

"Consorting with humans? Living with them even? What kind of fairies are you?" growled the largest of the intruders as he stepped forward.

"Our clan has had a bond with this family for thousands of years. Who are you to question how we live our lives?" Amantha snarled right back. "This is our land, and if you're here for hostility, we will gladly respond in kind. As she talked, the rest of the fairies returned and landed around the patio, some on the roof and in the trees. They may have been small in size, but there were many times the numbers of the intruders.

"You seem a bit alarmed at our presence," the leader grinned. "We are from Clan Thundernut. This is Carpus, Helio, Frostbite." He indicated the others in turn. "And I'm Thicket."

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