Chapter 14

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It was like a freeze ray hit the back yard. Flying fairies paused, hovering. Flaming marshmallows landed with hissing thuds in the snow, and a chorus of gasps echoed around the table. Nobody could move or say a thing. Well, other than Lila. She had a lot to say, and shockingly, not about the tiny, flying fairies.

"We break up like a week ago and you're here in another state kissing a girl and telling her you love her? What the fuck Cristyn? You really move on that fast?" she screamed at me, fury in her eyes.

I was too shocked to say anything. I couldn't believe she was here, and not freaking out about the fairies. How did she even know to come here? How did she get in the house? What the fuck was happening right now? I'm pretty sure that Lila would have started in on another outburst, maybe one that included hitting me, had Ada not been the one to somehow break the silence.

I heard her sob, and then she stepped forward, placing one of her hands under Lila's chin, and turning her head to look into her eyes. "Elle?"

Lila's eyes widened in shock. "How did you know that name?" And now mine widened, as that just confused the hell out of me.

"That was the only name I remember you by! I thought you were dead!" Ada said happily moving her other hand up to cup Lila's face. Or was it, Elle? "You're back!"

"Everyone was supposed to think we were dead!" she exclaimed. "And yes, I'm back." She was looking at Ada in confusion, and I could tell that her brain was going through the same thing mine had a few days ago.

I really wanted to interrupt and find out what was going on, but Lazuli put her finger over my mouth. "Let Ada talk to her. We'll get the rest of the information in time."

All I could do was nod in reply, I was too baffled to do anything else.

"Do you remember this place? Remember me?" Ada asked quietly, keeping her eyes on Lila's.

"I... I don't know. Maybe? When I was little, I might have been here." Her voice was low, wondering She still didn't seem to be surprised to see the fairies, which should have freaked out most people. "I knew you, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did. We were best friends whenever you were here, though you stopped coming when you were 7," Ada confirmed. "I've been hoping you were coming back ever since then,"

Lila closed her eyes, and I could see her relaxing against Ada's hands. Everyone was still, even the flying fairies had landed and watched. It seemed like forever but was probably closer to a minute when Lila suddenly opened her eyes. "Ada?"

"Yes, I'm your Ada," Ada cried happily, releasing Lila's face and wrapping her arms around her back instead, pulling her body into a hug as sobs wracked Ada's body. "I thought you were dead! I have been so lost!"

"Well, I'm still lost," I muttered quietly to Lazuli, earning me a small nudge in the ribs.

As angry as Lila had just been, her face had softened and was now graced with a smile brighter than any I'd ever seen on it before. Did this mean that somehow, we were distant cousins and Ada was her match? She must have been here to meet Ada, right? I kissed my cousin and she touched my boobs? Eww! How big was my family? If Ruth had really been that old, I could have a lot of cousins! Now that I thought about it, I didn't recognize anyone on the list that Mr. Foster gave me, and yet they must have been related in order to be a part of the list!

"Lila, why don't you sit down with here so we can understand what's happening, okay?" I suggested.

She looked at me, her smile still wide, and nodded while slipping into Ada's seat. Ada immediately jumped into her lap, wrapping her arms around her neck as if she were afraid that she was going to disappear again. "Just call me Elle. It will make everything easier going forward."

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