Chapter 25

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"Amber," I started, turning to look at the pixie haired girl. "Thank you so much for saving us today. I don't think we would have lasted much longer."

She turned to me with a sad smile, tears in her eyes. "You're welcome," she sniffled. "I couldn't bear for Lazuli to have the nightmares from having to do it."

"I'm glad she won't have them too," I replied honestly. I would hate for Lazuli to have something like that for as long as I was hoping we'd be together. "You've had yours for years, huh?"

She looked up at me, the tears spilling from her eyes and her jaw slack. Lazuli turned her head to her friend in shock. "No! Amber?"

Amber turned her head away from her and just started to sob. "I'm so sorry!"

"What did I miss?" Elle asked, staring at the scene in confusion.

"Amber is the one who killed my parents, and the rest of the heirs. She would have killed both of us if we hadn't been lucky," I explained softly.

"You killed Marcus?" Rhys growled while standing up.

Amber just sobbed harder, burying her face in her hands.

Elle, just looked about, and calmly reached into the box and pulled out one of the stun guns, then reached over and jabbed Amber with it. The zap made everyone jump except Amber, who was thrown backwards, before falling to the ground and groaning.

"The stun guns work!" Elle said happily.

Amber moaned from the floor, and Lazuli bent to help her up into the chair. Elle moved behind her, stun gun at the ready. She looked a little too happy to use it again!

We all stared at her, waiting for her to say something. I had a feeling I knew why she did it, but I wanted her to say it. She sat there in silence, not even moving, her head hung low like she was staring at her lap.

"Amber, how old are you now?" I asked.

She looked up at me and cocked her head. "How old? I'm 17, I'll be 18 in the summer."

"She was always like my kid sister," Lazuli added sadly.

"How did you do what you did when you were barely 14?" Honestly, she must have only been 13! I was incredulous that she had the power, let alone that she would do it.

She just shook her head sadly. "I don't know. I didn't think I could. I was just so angry! Lazuli was worried that you wouldn't come back, and I thought she was right. I knew you picked her flower, so if you never returned she'd have an unhappy life, and I couldn't bear to see that for her. I thought I could just make the whole pact go away if there were no more heirs. Maybe if it went away, she wouldn't be hurt as much by you not coming back."

"You killed them all to be with me?" Lazuli backed away a few steps in horror from her friend.

"I know! I was selfish and stupid! I should have just moved on and hoped that you would be with me if she didn't come back and not done anything. But I wanted to try and make you happy too, and I thought if I ended the pact you wouldn't be as hurt!" Amber cried out to Lazuli. "I feel horrible, and I keep having the nightmares, and I had thought everything had worked until she showed back up and I saw how much you loved her. I couldn't hurt her after that! Not after I saw how happy you were."

"Is that why you used Mr. Foster's phone to text Elle?" It made sense. If she couldn't hurt me, then she had to try to show that I didn't love Lazuli. If I had gone back to Elle when she showed up, her plan would have worked. But I loved Lazuli too much for that.

She nodded, not even trying to talk as she continued to sob.

"What do fairies do for punishments like this?" Elle asked quietly. I was thankful she had asked it. I wanted the answer too but didn't want to ask. Hell, I didn't know what I even wanted her to have as a punishment. She killed my parents, and two other families! But she was a kid when it happened! Fuck I hated this!

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