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The next month flew by. I had been worried about Amber, but things were going well there so far. She seemed to have glued herself to Elle and me, since she was effectively a human now, and was very interested in learning to cook. We had a lot of fun watching cooking videos with her and trying recipes, and that helped all of us become better in the kitchen than we had before. It was a good thing too, since it was hard for Elle and me to do all the cooking, so having the extra pair of hands was great. I know some were still worried about her, but Lazuli and I weren't at all. I don't think she'll ever stop feeling sorry for what she'd done, but I forgave her, and I hoped everyone else would too.

She also bonded with the new fairies. The older two were the mothers of the younger two, but the two teens were on their own. Their fathers were with the ones that attacked us, but their mothers had left ages ago. Fairies usually can only mate and have children when they're in love, and that is how they're born from flowers. But with the change to being born from pinecones, the other fairies didn't need to be in love, and the males had taken that to mean they didn't need to treat the women well anymore.

The mothers of Vinca and Lella, the two teens, had left them one night a few years ago, and they knew as soon as they were 18, that they would be fair game to the men. The battle had been their salvation, and they gravitated towards Amber since she was the one that had killed Thicket. They also felt a little out of place among the other fairies, even though everyone made attempts to socialize with them. Maybe knowing Amber was in a similar position of being an outsider let them feel more open with her. They constantly stayed in their human form, and hid their wings, and soon were sharing a bed with Amber, though as of now it seemed as though it was more of a comfort and feeling of protection than anything else. Since Vinca and Lella had nightmares of their own, they were good for each other as someone was always there to comfort the others.

Regardless, we were going to get a bulk discount on beds soon, as two more king sized mattresses were on the way since Ada and Elle wanted one as well!

Rowan turned out to be a godsend, as he could charm people left and right. When we brought contractors in for work, he could easily get great deals and quick turn arounds on building supplies and faster construction. No wonder Rhys was head over heels for him! We ended up doing a lot of construction. The loft over the garage was first as it was the fastest, and it was almost done. Ada and Elle would soon be able to moan and scream to their hearts' content.

When we got Mr. Foster over again, he was able to find out just how much land we owned, and we were shocked to find out that we had pretty much everything in the area. We had enough room for a dozen other houses if we wished. We did wish, though we were going to start with a single new one. That would end up being where Elle and Ada ended up once it was done, and then we could use the loft for something else.

We also had the greenhouse going in, because I still wanted flowers year-round. Back when it had been explained that only kids that were born when flowers were blooming could have a match since there were no flowers for the fairy otherwise, I knew we needed a greenhouse. It was even more important now that I'd found out I was pregnant, and that I would be due at the end of September. I wanted to ensure my baby had a match!

Yeah, Lazuli pollinated the fuck out of me, and I couldn't be happier.

As winter turned to spring, and the snow melted, the groundbreaking began. The greenhouse went up first, as it didn't need a foundation and was a simpler build, and the fairies went to work getting the flowers within the beds. The flowers in the yard started to sprout as well, and before long we had a back yard that brought happy tears to our eyes. Seeing the bluebells would remind us of Amantha, and then the cowslips brought visions of Ruth. They would always be with us.

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