I'm Sorry

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Wanda's POV

Our fight wasn't like our other ones. She called me mean things and I returned them and it ended with both of us in tears. For the first time in a long time, Y/N slept on the couch that was in the living room of the Avengers Compound.

I couldn't sleep. Not without her.

I kept replaying everything that happened a couple of hours ago as I sat on the edge of the bed holding my knees up to my bed. I told her to never come back to my room again and she threatened to do it. I called her a monster and she called me a freak. 

My eyes started to tear up. I wondered if Y/N meant what she said. I loved her a lot. I just didn't tell her.

~ Flashback ~


It was a long day of  undercover work with Nat, Steve, and Sam and I really wanted to surprise Wanda. She was asleep when I got to her room, so I decided to go back to my room, drop my stuff off, and make some food because I was hungry as hell.

I hated my room. Tony was working on another dorm for me so I just put my stuff in it and go stay in Wanda's since we're together. My room reminded me of HYDRA facilities. I didn't want to be reminded of the pain I had to endure every day when I was trying to sleep.

I threw my bag next to my dorm's door and booked out of there, running to the kitchen where Wanda was standing. 

"Wanda, I thought you were asleep." I frowned.

"No, I woke up a long time before you got here and decided to make some hot chocolate for the two of us when I knew you were coming back." She smiled handing me a mug of a warm drink with tons of whipped cream on top.

I smiled back at her and took a sip from my hot chocolate. 

"Do you like it?" My girlfriend asked.

I nodded and took another drink.

After a while, Wanda and I went back to her room to cuddle and fall asleep. 

I thought about it for a while. But I wanted to do it tonight. I wanted to know if she felt the same.

"I love you, Wanda." 

The four words escaped my mouth and watched her eyes widen as she tilted her head up towards me.

"You do?" She asked.

"Of course I do."

~ Present Time ~

Wanda's POV

Why did I never say it back? I did love her. I swear I do. I guess I was just surprised.

I got out of bed, pissed that I wasn't able to sleep. I checked the time, it was 4:32 AM. Walking slowly and avoiding any creaking floorboards, I crept my way into the kitchen. I figured a warm cup of milk would help. 

I heard Y/N groan in her sleep. I could hear her move and continuously shuffle in her sleep. With the urge to check on her, I made my way over to the couch. She was grumbling and kept moving.

"Baby..." I whispered softly, moving her hair out of her face. 

In a moment of quick decisions, I used my powers to see what was wrong.

Third Person POV

~ In Y/N's Mind ~

Bombs. Explosions. Robots swarmed the air. There was smoke everywhere, so heavy that it quickly filled citizens' lungs. Wanda stood in the middle of it all after entering Y/N's subconscious. A group of men in black armor started jogging in a stiff way towards her and the redhead let them passed and studied the environment.

"Is this place Sokovia?" Wanda asked herself.

Doing a 180, the young woman gasped as tears filled her eyes. 

It was Y/N. She knelt on the ground in front of a large pile of debris crying. 

"Wanda..." Y/N cried, ash running down her tear-stained face.

Wanda cocked her head and ran towards Y/N.

"Baby, I'm-" She started before attempting to hold Y/N's shoulder and gasped.

Water pooled in Wanda's eyes. It was her own dead body. Y/N was having a nightmare. Of losing Wanda. The redhead sighed and concentrated her powers towards getting out of Y/N's mind. 

~ Back In The Compound Living Room ~

Wanda stood back where she was before, behind the couch where Y/N was tossing and turning. In an effort to comfort her, Wanda picked her girlfriend up bridal style to the former's bedroom and tucked her in. The witch closed the door slowly with her red wisps and gave a kiss on Y/N's forehead.

"I do love you, Y/N. I really do. I just wish I could've told you earlier." Wanda wrapped her arms around her girl and whispered those words into her ear.

"Wait, you do?" 

The redhead looked down to see Y/N's eyes open, clearly still tired, examining the freckles on the witch's arms.

"When'd you wake up?"

"When you gave me that kiss on my head." Y/N smiled softly.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you I loved you when you told me." Wanda apologized.

Y/N's Y/E/C eyes softened and she tucked a strand of rogue hair behind her older girlfriend's ear.

"It's fine, Wands. I did say it out of nowhere." She whispered.

"It's not an excuse though. I can never apologize enough, Y/N/N." 

"Shut up and cuddle me. That's the best apology you could ever give me." 

Wanda smiled widely and wrapped her around Y/N's small Y/H (your height) body. In less then 20 minutes, the two of them fell asleep in each other's arms, enjoying the warmth each of them shared.

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