DrOwN iN bLeAcH

350 8 2

I left the dorms last night and decided to stay at my parents' house. They asked what happened, so I told them everything.
I didn't have any reason to lie to them or keep secrets. It was already obvious that I was upset.
I thought this would be the perfect time to see if I could leave and go to Hyogo instead.

"Mum, dad... can I move in with Atsumu and Osamu in Hyogo? Please? Auntie and Uncle Miya wouldn't mind much, right? Can we try to arrange something?"

My parents exchanged a glance before signing.
My mum smiled softly. "Seeing as you packed all your things and moved out of the dorms... I can't see you staying at Shiratorizawa anymore. I don't mind. I can just ask my sister. I'll call her now and we'll figure things out from there."

"Ok. Thanks mum."

She nodded and left the room, pulling out her phone to call my aunt.
My dad and I sat for a few moments in silence. "Sweetie, do you really wanna move away from here?"

I looked at my dad, almost confused that he'd ask. "Well... I'd miss you and mum, and the restaurant as well. I'll even miss the friends I made here, but I was already getting sick of being around the volleyball team 24/7. And the fact they'd go so far as to kick my dorm door down, I just can't take it anymore. I miss my cousins and even though they're annoying germs, they respect privacy and won't try having me do anything I'm uncomfortable with."

He nodded. "Then it's fine with me. As long as you know what you're getting into. And you can always call or text your mom and I whenever you need or want. Even if you lived all the way on the other side of the world, we'd still be there for you."

"Thanks dad." I smiled.

Mum came back into the room. "Well, she said you can go there. Just stay the night here and leave tomorrow morning. Your father and I will take you to the train station before opening the restaurant, ok?"

I nodded. "Of course. Thanks mum and dad! I love you both so much!" I let them hug me, returning the hug as well.
Even though I'm a germaphobe, I'm still gonna let my parents hug me. It's the least I can do as their daughter.

I was laying on my bed when my phone went off. I groaned.

Top Teams🏐

Why am I here again?

Don't Touch Me
Ask your germs

He means cousins

No no
I got it when Sakusa said germs

But fair

Tsumu and I heard something
It was very interesting
But we couldn't believe it
So y/n you need to explain

No I didn't kill anyone
That's too dirty for me

Don't Touch Me

Did Sakusa just use an emoji?!

Bipolar Owl
But did he like just laugh or something?

My cousin laughing?!

Don't Touch Me
Shut up

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